Home » 15 and Self-Centered

From the U.S.: Well, let me start off. I am a teen who loves my family, however I get very annoyed and angry in my mind at unintelligent, annoying, attention craving people. Whether I have problems with them or not, they annoy me.

In the beginning of freshman year, I had extreme anxiety, but now it has gotten better. I obsess over how my face looks and my body a lot, although my mom says I shouldn’t because I look very good for a teenager my age. But no matter what I always obsess over how I look to myself. Anyway, I had a problem with this one kid at school, where he was calling me names, so I called him the “n” word. He has been cowardly annoying me since, and in my mind I think of the ways i can hurt him. I haven’t gotten in a fight with him yet.

Another thing, is when I think of a dangerous situation I just think of how could I save myself, not others. I do not have a lot of empathy when someone dies or gets hurt. Maybe none. I did not have a lot of empathy when my grandma died. When someone on TV has a disease I usually think about myself being concerned about myself getting it rather than feeling bad for the person. I do have remorse, but it depends on the situation, if I don’t like the person/I don’t know them or not. I am normally more on the quiet side , though if someone is really ticking me off I say some thing like shut the “f” up and everyone goes quiet. I have a decent amount of friends, only two that I really trust. I hate people that want attention, people who are dumb (intelligent wise, not grades wise), and people who attempt to annoy me. I sometimes feel like I am better than some people. I am very confused if I may have something, so I came on here. I sometimes have violent thoughts about people that I hate or don’t like. No one is bullying me. Please help. I do not care about other people’s problems, mostly mine. I sometimes think about lashing out on my people who I hate and don’t like.

Yes, you have a disease. It’s called adolescence The teen years make most people uneasy in lots of ways for a time. Please understand that I’m not being dismissive or disrespectful. I understand completely that it is confusing and painful to be in turmoil about so many things. You are asking the big important questions about values, compassion, morality, and mortality. You’re trying to figure out who you are and what kind of person you want to be. None of that is easy. But fortunately, your mind and emotions will settle down over time.

You will get through it faster if you start focusing on doing good things in the world for other people instead of thinking so much about whether there is something wrong with you. If you really want to get better, join a service club, do some volunteering, and look for opportunities to do random acts of kindness. Research shows that doing positive things at a ratio of 3 – 5 to 1 (3 – 5 positive things for every negative one) builds people’s self-esteem and has all kinds of positive benefits.

I wish you well.
Dr. Marie

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