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I Can’t Tell What Is Wrong with Me

February 12th, 2023

I’m slowly coming to the realization that there is a greater possibility that I have some mental issues. Most of the time I feel numb – kind of like I’m outside of my own body watching myself do things. This happens a lot when I’m nervous (in any kind of social situation). I’m unhappy and I hate that because I don’t have anything to be unhappy about. I live a blessed life thank God. For that I am eternally grateful, I really am. My life hasn’t even been that hard – the hardest thing I’ve had to go through was just a big move and my crush (,his family) and my own family making fun of me. Its pathetic – extremely pathetic, I’m aware of that. If I could tell you what’s wrong with me I would, believe me, but even I don’t know that. There’s just this extremely unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach that I just can’t shake. Not to mention this completely hopeless attitude to life that I can’t change. This looming sense that nothing’s going to work out.

My only goals are to get back home to Canada and to someday get a cat. However, I’m starting to back down from even those. I’m scared to go back home after all these years because obviously, things wont be the same. Its already been so long that I now feel like a foreigner to my country. Both of them actually (Canada and Sudan). I’m rethinking getting a cat because – like most things – cats hate me. I’m so hopeless, lonely and lost it hurts. It actually physically hurts. It’s been 3 years. 3 years of no ambition, of no hope. Honestly if it weren’t for my religion, there’s a large chance I would’ve ended it earlier on. I’m trying to be patient, I feel stupid, embarrassed and stuck up for feeling the way I feel and I just want to get to the bottom of this. Is this anything serious or am I just over exaggerating things?

To answer your question directly, I don’t think you are exaggerating. Your concern about exaggeration might be tied to your belief that it’s “stupid” or “embarrassing” to admit that you have problems. You should never feel “stupid” or “embarrassed” about having problems. Problems are a part of life. It’s important to refrain from inaccurate self-criticism (i.e. calling yourself “stupid”) because thinking affects behavior. If you believe negative things about yourself, then you might falsely conclude that you’re not worthy of help and thus not seek it. You are worthy and deserving of a happy, satisfying life.

The key to psychological health is having good critical thinking skills. These skills are not innate or instinctual. They are learned skills that can be taught in counseling.

I can’t provide a diagnosis over the internet but many of your symptoms might be consistent with depression and anxiety. People with depression often feel hopeless, have an inability to feel pleasure and lack energy. The thought of having to get out of bed can feel overwhelming, both emotionally and physically.

Feeling anxious in social situations might be indicative of an anxiety disorder. It’s common to feel slightly nervous in social situations, but a disorder might be present if social situations cause overwhelming distress and interfere with various aspects of your life.

The good news is that depression and anxiety are highly treatable disorders. Most people gain relief with a combination of medication and counseling. You should meet with a mental health professional who will evaluate your symptoms and determine what might be wrong. Treatment could provide you with a great deal of relief. Please take care.

Dr. Kristina Randle

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