It’s So Much More Than A Simple High School Crush. I’m renaming my crush Jack. I met Jack in 7th grade, we were more like acquaintances then, but i had a huge crush on him. Now, almost 4 years later, it’s so much more than that. I cannot get him out of my mind. He pops into my head at weird times. Sometimes, he will pop into my head and suddenly he will appear. I was driving a road close to where i live and he popped into my head. The song playing had nothing to do with love, all of a sudden his truck passed by. It was just me and him on that road (I live in the country so there aren’t many busy roads) and all i could think was why did it have to be him? of all the people who live here, and when he is on my mind he passes me. so weird. Anyway, when I started sophomore year at the end of August last year, Jack was in one of my classes. we got assigned seats and he got put next to my best friend and i got put across from his best friend. the way our desks are set up are sideways from the board. If he wanted to look at his friend who sat across from me, he would have to back his chair to see around other peoples heads to be able to look at his friend. As soon as we got assigned seats, i would catch him looking at me. I figured he was looking at his friend but whenever he would actually look to his friend i noticed him backing his chair up to see around other people. He never backed his chair up and we made direct eye contact. It would be like 5seconds until i turned away. happens in the hallway too. I would catch him looking. I talked to him a couple times in that class but i was so nervous. 2017 is new so i decided to add him on snapchat. I was so nervous and he added me back. We talked for a couple weeks until all of a sudden he would leave me on read. It broke my heart. Now he will sometimes reply but still the random thoughts and appearances of him occur. My mom’s friend said weird thoughts of him popping up are when he’s thinking of me too. Help me?
Iโm not sure of your exact question so I can only provide a general response. Some people use the term “infatuation” to describe their strong attraction. You use the term “crush”, but Iโm not certain if there is a major difference between crush and infatuation. Semantics aside, the bottom line is that you are very fond of โJack.โ Regarding your mother’s friend theory, Iโm not aware of any phenomenon like the one that she has described.
Youโve been interacting with โJackโ for some time and he interacts back. If you like him, why not let him know? Perhaps heโs interested and would want to be in a relationship with you or perhaps he isn’t. Tell him how you feel. Please take care.
Dr. Kristina Randle