Home » If Someone Talks or Asks Me Something, I Don’t Know What to Say So I Just Lie

If Someone Talks or Asks Me Something, I Don’t Know What to Say So I Just Lie

April 24th, 2022

Im just 13 years old and i felt this since im a kid. I dont know but when i’m in my grade school i lied to my schoolmates that i have a blood illness even if i dont have but im wishing that i dont said that and when i turn grade7 from a different school far from my family but im staying in my aunt’s house. Im just a transferee in that school and no one knows me. Then something on me want to have reputation so i lied to all my classmates teachers to anyone in my school. I said that my family is rich (even if not) I always said to my friends that i felt like no ones loving me so i rebel in my past years (ofcourse that wasnt true again) my family loves me that’s the true. And ofcourse i dont want my auntie know about all what im doing so i always lie to her everyday ive seen her face and ofcourse i dont let her come to my school. I alwys lied to them but something on me felt some guilt when i remebered my family it feels that i want to shout the truth but everyt
ime i go to school another story i invented and im feeling that im more intelligent than ordinary.
And now i never think that my fearest day will come when everyone find out what’s the true. But it come and im so scared and another lie i invented just to shade my prev lie . I cry just to make them believe and even tried to kill myself coz im really ashame but i feel that i should’nt said that at all.

And now my family forgiven me but ofcourse not my aunt.
Now i turn grade 8 But i really didnt enrolled bcoz i dont have the report card on mine coz my previous school hold that one thats why i cant go to any school but again i lied to my parents i said that im enrolled and the school just take me some pre test (even if not) ANd until now im pretending that im going on school even if not.

Im just hoping that you can help me Cause im so guilt but i dont want to say the truth . It feels like i want some world different from mine.

Generally speaking, people who lie about themselves do so to appear more interesting or likable to other people. They want people to think highly of them. They may not be happy with themselves and feel like they need to embellish the truth so that people will like them. They tend to lack self-confidence and are insecure.

You also mentioned wanting to be in a different world than your own. That would suggest that you are unhappy, which might also be contributing to why you lie. If you were happy and contented with your life, lying in the manner that you have described might never have crossed your mind.

Thankfully, these are common problems that can be effectively addressed with counseling.

Ask your parents to assist you in finding a mental health professional in your community. Counseling will help you to determine why you feel compelled to lie but most importantly how to stop. It’s not enough to understand why you do it. Knowing why doesn’t prevent you from doing it. Counseling can teach you how to have more appropriate social interactions and relationships with people so that you don’t feel the need to resort to lying. Treatment might also help your family understand your behavior and how to better support you.

Be honest with your parents and tell them that you want help. You can even tell them that you wrote to us at Psych Central and that counseling was recommended. It is the ideal solution to this problem. It would help both you and your family.

Please also remember that lying is very common, much more common than the average person wants to admit. You are not the only person who lies. Many of the people, that you have lied to, also told lies to other people, on the very same day that you lied to them. It appears that you never told a lie to hurt someone. You lied to make yourself appear more interesting or to get sympathy or to appear more important, etc. From what you have written, it seems that you have never lied for malicious purposes. White lies are very common, very understandable and very forgivable. Good luck, my young friend.

Dr. Kristina Randlle

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