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Need Help … Please

September 19th, 2023

My name is —, from small’ve had psychological problems from wanting to kill, hallucinations, sleep paralysis, attention deficit, wants to commit suicide, etc … and this has been happening since I was three years, at first it was so constant and sharp, but the years passed I managed to control myself, but since 2014 these symptoms have recurred … every time I find it harder to keep my composure and keep going, I hallucinate with very horrible things, death caused either by me or by my former “imaginary friends” that have reappeared but even more violent and bloodthirsty. I could not tell anyone for fear of his reaction, I am aware of what I see, what I feel .. but there are times when I confuse hallucinations with the real world, these “imaginary friends” tell me to do and say things such as attacking another person, insult, hurt me physically it. I find studying, giving me more afraid
It is that just no longer appear when I’m alone but also when I am among many, very often I des-focus or fail to be in the real world and step to hallucinate, see, hear and feel everything that my mind creates. spend time looking at a place, and there I see some imaginary being and this makes nis companions anxious and ask to see it, sometimes or I have recently gained much trouble in high school, because I do not copy because I dis-focus or I start to hallucinate more strongly than I do when I am in active living with someone, I took her phobia of people, all … well, some more than others and this makes me very difficult relationship teacher -student and student-peers. everything is coming to an end, sometimes I am not aware of what I do, what I see, what I say, etc …

These are complex problems that require professional help. They are not problems you should try to treat on your own. It’s important to ask for help.

Mental health professionals won’t have a negative reaction toward your symptoms. They are trained to deal with these kinds of problems. They are aware that these kinds of problems exist and know how to treat them. You have nothing to fear by telling them about your symptoms. They can help you.

Ask your parents to take you to a mental health professional. You can also for help from a trusted faculty member or the school guidance counselor. They can assist you in seeking professional treatment.

If you feel that you might harm yourself or someone else, then it is important to seek emergency help. This can involve a mental health crisis team, if one is available in your community, or going to the hospital. Mental health professionals can protect you from harming yourself or other people. Medications and other treatments can effectively improve your symptoms, but only if you’re willing to ask for help. Asking for professional help is the single best way to handle this situation. Please take care.

Dr. Kristina Randle

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