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Paranoid of Demons

January 11th, 2021

I’m currently in a worm hole learning about demonology. A few weeks ago I learned about a website called Quora where you can ask people your questions. Later on in the day my mind started to generate so many questions like

“Is it true cursing at this demon will cause a demon to drag me to the depths of hell?”

“What religion did this *insert specific demon name* come from?”

“Is demonic possession purely mental?”

I know that asking questions is a good thing but let me add, My mental health cannot “tolerate” learning about the supernatural and also things like witchcraft because im afraid about it. When I ask this questions, there would usually always be 2 sides, the Christians and the skeptics. Usually the Christians would say follow god, while the skeptics of demons and Christianity would say that theres no proof of gods existence or things like that.

My parents have taken away my eletronics but gave me it back because I was so desperate to ask some questions on Quora. My mind usually would beg me even for months until I ask the question but even after I ask that specific question my mind would later generate another question. Should I complety destroy my computer so I have no more access to this technology?

I don’t think you should destroy your computer to limit your access to technology. If you destroy your computer then you have to also destroy your phone or any other device in your vicinity that connects to the Internet. It’s a drastic step that seems unnecessary unless it’s the only way to prevent you from consuming this material.

You are right. It’s good to ask questions and to educate oneself but if you find that the material you are reading is causing problems, then it’s best to avoid it. It’s not clear why you have such a difficult time avoiding this material, especially when it causes such negativity in your life. Perhaps it’s an issue of self-control. Maybe you can’t help yourself and find yourself consuming the material even though you know it’s not good for you. In that case, it would be wise to consult a mental health professional about impulsivity and self-control. They can assist you in developing more control over your behavior.

Interest in the occult is common. In fact, researchers have been documenting an increase interest during the pandemic. For instance, they identified a notable increase in discussions on the Internet about astrology. They’ve also observed an 83% increase in the number of people discussing ghosts and paranormal activity on social media.

Newsweek reports on a new community of “baby witches” who claim to have cast a negative spell on the moon. They have been primarily collating on the social media platform TikTok. The hashtag “WitchTok” has attracted more than 2.1 billion views. Reddit also has a large community of those interested in witchcraft, among many other occult topics.

Anecdotally, I have worked with a number of people who became interested in the occult and have had similar negative experiences. They began to have nightmares about the material they were consuming. It took a problematic toll on their psychological health. Once they stopped consuming the material, their nightmares ended.

People who watch horror movies sometimes also report having nightmares. This is most common among people who experience anxiety while watching the movie. In such cases, it would be best to avoid horror movies, especially before bed. At the very least, balance it out with positive imagery by watching something lighthearted or funny. It’s important to balance out the bad with the good.

The bottom line is this: if you find yourself engaging in behavior that is harming your psychological health, then it’s wise to stop engaging in that behavior. If you struggle with how to do this, then consult a mental health professional who can assist you in rectifying this problem. Hopefully, meeting with a mental health professional will help to generate other ideas that do not involve you having to destroy your computer and other technology devices in your home. Good luck with your efforts. Please take care.

Dr. Kristina Randle

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