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Talking to, Hitting Myself

March 3rd, 2024

I have a voice inside my head that’s something like my friend but sometimes an enemy too. He occurs when i’m alone walking to somewhere or just sitting at home. I don’t recognize the voice, i think it’s inner but it’s affecting me sometimes in a bad way. For example, when it’s late and i want to eat something and i tell myself not to because it’s late and than the voice tells me to eat for some reason, the voice always finds a good reason. And than i get mad because i don’t want to eat but he doesn’t want to stop talking and i yell at him to stop and sometimes i start hitting myself because i’m mad at myself. And when i calm down i usually do what he sad (i eat). I think that it’s not schizophrenia because it’s an inner not external voice and i don’t have hallucinations, but it’s driving me crazy sometimes.

I can’t talk about it to my close friends and family because i don’t want them to think i’m crazy or something, or maybe they’ll think i’m just talking some nonsense and i will be ashamed. Also, i live in a small town and if i go to a therapist, people will think i’m crazy and i’m afraid to think that i’m crazy or something.

You are making assumptions about what you think other people will think of you. You could be very wrong. We oftentimes are very poor judges of what we believe people will think of us. The reality is this: you don’t know what other people think of you and frankly it should not matter. Would you think negatively of someone who sought mental health treatment? I highly doubt you would.

You assume that others would know about the fact that you sought mental health treatment but don’t be so certain. The only way they would know is if you told them. Mental health treatment is highly confidential. Today, the majority of people think it quite healthy and normal to talk to a counselor. Publicly, you will find many famous celebrities who are vocal supporters of counseling and their experience in counseling

If you were having symptoms of the flu, would you feel embarrassed about seeking treatment from a physician? In all likelihood, you would not. Why? Because you recognize that you are not a medical doctor with specialized knowledge in the treatment of the flu. The same logic should apply to mental health symptoms. You didn’t cause your mental health symptoms. They are not your fault but they are occurring and causing you distress. Therefore you should seek the assistance of a mental health professional who is trained to deal with these very problems. It’s the most responsible course of action.

People who seek help for mental health problems are not “crazy.” They are highly responsible, intelligent individuals who recognize that mental health treatment can significantly improve their quality of life.

There’s no shame in needing mental health treatment for mental health disorders just like there’s no shame in needing medical treatment for physical disorders. I hope you make the best possible decision which, in my opinion, would be to seek professional help. I think, that you will be glad that you did. Please take care.

Dr. Kristina Randle

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