Of all my tools to combat depression and negativity, humor is by far the most fun. And just like mastering the craft of writing, I’m finding that the longer I practice laughing at life — and especially its frustrations–the better I become at it, and the more situations and conversations and complications I can place into that category named “silly.”
G. K. Chesterton once wrote: “Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.” And Proverbs 17:22 says that “a happy heart is good medicine.” I’d add that human beings can heal (at least partially!) from a host of different illnesses if they learn how to laugh. Here are just a few ways our bodies, minds, and spirits begin to mend with a dose of humor.
1. Humor combats fear.
I know this first hand, having sat in a community room of a psych ward watching a video of a comedian poke fun at depression. Like everyone else occupying a chair in that room, I was scared to death. Of many things … That I would never smile again. Or love again. Or even WANT to love again. I was fearful of life, and everything it involved.
That panic didn’t instantly transform into a hearty chuckle once the psych nurse popped in the funny video. But the climate of the room was noticeably different. Patients began to open up more, to share some of the details they had left out in the prior group therapy session.
Humor disengages fear because it changes your perspective: of the past and of the present. The traumatic childhood episode loses its tight grip on your heart if you can place it into the “ridiculous” category of other stories from the past. With a playful perspective, you can remove yourself from the marital problem that has you debilitated with anxiety. Laughter forces a few steps–some much-needed distance– between a situation and our reaction. We all would do well to follow the advice of Leo Buscaglia: “When you get to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on. And swing!”
2. Humor comforts.
Charlie Chaplin once said, “To truly laugh, you must be able to take your pain and play with it.” I suppose that’s why some of the funniest people out there — Stephen Colbert, Robin Williams, Ben Stiller, Art Buchwald — have journeyed through periods of torment.
There is an unspoken message hidden within a chuckle–even the slightest cackle– that says this: “I promise, you’ll get through this.” Just like the comforting hug of your mom when you were three. In fact, New York City’s Big Apple Circus has used humor to console sick children since 1986, when they started sending teams of clowns into hospital rooms with “rubber chicken soup” and other fun surprises. “It’s for the children, yes,” explains Jane Englebardt, deputy director of the circus, in an “American Fitness” article. “But it’s also for the parents who, when they hear their children laugh for the first time in days or weeks, know everything’s going to be O.K.”
3. Humor relaxes.
Like any exercise, laughing relaxes you, and works against chronic stress that most Americans wear on the shoulder. Mehmet C. Oz, M.D., a heart surgeon at New York-Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia University Medical Center in New York City, explains why this is so in a 2005 “Reader’s Digest” article:
When you push any engine, including your body, to its maximum, every once in a while it slips a gear. The ways the body manifests that are: irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure, and increased sensitivity to pain. When people use humor, the autonomic nervous system just tones down a bit to take it off high gear, and that allows the heart to relax.
4. Humor reduces pain.
Apparently the psych nurses at Laurel Regional Hospital weren’t the only ones gathering patients around the TV to watch funny flicks or videos. Dr. Elias Shaya, chief of psychiatry at Good Samaritan Hospital in Baltimore also tries to instill the importance of laughter in his patients. Says Dr. Shaya: “I advocate finding ways to laugh by watching comedy or engaging in looking up jokes and sharing them.”
“Humor rooms,” which encourage people to use humor in their recovery from any kind of illness, are now available in some hospitals. And science backs these efforts. In a study published in the Journal of Holistic Nursing, humor very definitely seemed to diminish pain. Says Dave Traynor, M.Ed, director of health education at Natchaug Hospital in Mansfield Center, Connecticut in “American Fitness”: “After surgery, patients were told one-liners prior to administration of potentially painful medication. The patients exposed to humor perceived less pain as compared to patients who didn’t receive humor stimuli.”
5. Humor boosts the immune system.
Whenever I prick myself accidentally, I tell a joke, and my finger doesn’t bleed! Well, not exactly. But if you are laid up in bed with a terrible strain of the flu that your four-year-old brought home from her play date yesterday, try to find an itsy-bitsy thread of humor in your situation, and you’ll be back to work in no time. Or, better yet, dwell in the misery and stay away from the cubicle longer.
In 2006 researchers led by Lee Berk and Stanley A. Tan at Loma Linda University in Loma Linda, Califormia, found that two hormones — beta-endorphins (which alleviate depression) and human growth hormone (HGH, which helps with immunity) increased by 27 and 87 percent respectively when volunteers anticipated watching a humorous video. Simply anticipating laughter boosted health-protecting hormones and chemicals.
In his “American Fitness” article, Dave Traynor explains a separate study at Arkansas Tech University, in which concentrations of immunoglobulin A were increased after 21 fifth graders participated in a humor program. (I’m nervous to hear about the details of that fifth-grade humor program, because my kids roar whenever you throw out a bathroom term.) Laughter was once again found to increase the ability to fight viruses and foreign cells.
6. Humor reduces stress.
The same research team at Loma Linda, California, conducted a similar study recently to see if the anticipation of laughter that was shown to boost immune systems could also reduce the levels of three stress hormones: cortisol (“the stress hormone”), epinephrine (adrenaline), and dopac, a dopamine catabolite (brain chemical which helps produce epinephrine).
They studied 16 fasting males, who were assigned to either the control group or the experiment group (those anticipating a humorous event). Blood levels showed that the stress hormones were reduced 39, 70, and 38 percent respectively. Therefore, researchers suggest that anticipating a positive event can reduce detrimental stress hormones.
7. Humor spreads happiness.
I remember playing the game of “Ha” as a young girl at my third-grade slumber party. I would lay my head on my friend’s tummy, and she would lay her head on another friend’s tummy, and so on. The first person would start the chain of laughs with a simple, “Ha!” The second person, “Ha Ha!” The third, “Ha Ha Ha,” at which point everyone would break into hysterics. About absolutely nothing. The way a person’s abdomen tightens and moves when she says “ha” makes you want to giggle.
My point: laughter is contagious. That’s why there are 5,000 laughter clubs around the world — where people laugh for no reason at all. Say what? According to Dr. Shaya of Good Samaritan Hospital, “These clubs have exercises that teach how to move your face, how to laugh more intensely to involve the shoulders, then the belly.” Laughing yoga classes are also popular today.
8. Humor cultivates optimism.
Humor is like gratitude in that it nurtures optimism, and Dan Baker writes this in “What Happy People Know”:
[Appreciation] is the first and most fundamental happiness tool. … Research now shows it is physiologically impossible to be in a state of appreciation and a state of fear at the same time. Thus, appreciation is the antidote to fear.
So if humor can change a perspective on a painful memory of the past or a gnawing issue of the present into opportunities to laugh at the inherent craziness of life at times, then a person can better facilitate his own healing.
9. Humor helps communication.
This is good marriage advice for anyone. But especially for the person prone to anxiety and depression. Most of Eric’s and my fights end with one of us making a sarcastic remark that is met with a snicker, and then a yuk, and then a roar. Voila! The quarrel is magically resolved! Sort of.
Humor is a way to articulate those truths that are so difficult to express otherwise. It’s handy language for someone like myself that doesn’t like to use big words, who is still fretting about her low verbal SAT scores because the college administrators didn’t think they were funny. If only they had read this article!
All true points about humor. My blog has humor that addresses some of the issues listed above.
The Professor
I have a happy and generous heart albeit a damaged heart.I have managed to survive many many things that could have put me 6 feet under the ground but I refuse to allow them to. My mantra is “life will grind you down, life will put you in the gutter but you must pick yourself up dust yourself off and start again, you must laugh at life and tell life I will not allow you to do this to me.” I have been doing this for 59 years I am not a victim I am a survivor amd always will be.Think victim you will be one. think survivor you win the game of life.Forget the apple a day have a laugh instead .
Yes Helen, you are right. We are all survivors if we choose to be. Always look at the positive side of things, appreciate what it is that you have, and make the most of everyday. Life is a gift! We only get to live it but once. Might as well live it right by taking care of yourself, keeping healthy and keep smiling. Laugh to your hearts content, enjoy! LIVE LIFE! Do not allow illness or negativity rule over you. This is YOUR LIFE…YOU CHOOSE HOW TO LIVE IT.
Yes, laughter is indeed a very underrated and much neglected commodity. There is just not enough of it around, but when it is, it is priceless. And I’m not a laughter club member, but I have been exposed to one and I’m sure that it would be a great club to join. It’s good exercise, along with just the wonderful sense of mirth that it brings. That’s one thing I miss about losing my 82 year “young” mom, 3 years ago. She had such a delightful sense of humor. It may have been “cornball”, as she was originally from Omaha, but it was a lot of fun. And it may have been a factor in her having lived such a good long and mostly, very healthy life. So, hee hee, ha ha, ho ho ~ Laugh!
Laughter is for the soul, what soap is to the body. One of the most cleansing things you can do. I use to have a mug that said, “Life is much too important to be taken too seriously.”
Humor is my best comfort in the lost of loved ones. In the last 5 year I have lost several. I am lifted when some shares with me a funny incident they had with the one I lost. It makes me feel good! Even today, when I reflect, I think of times I shared with that person, that was fun or funny. Without being offensive, I try to pass on the uplifting emotion to others who are experiencing the same situation. God Bless the Good Humor Man…
, e
This is a timely article. We need humour in our daily lives now more than ever. I am very close to my sister who has gone through marital hell, but maintains her humour. She’s my hero. We always find something to laugh about whenever we meet or speak. Life taken too seriously makes the journey tortuous.
Everyone says “Laughter is the Best Medicine,†but there appears to be a shortage of this God-given gift lately.
With good reason. People are losing their jobs, homes, and life savings–feeling scared and insecure. Soldiers return home wounded and maimed, their spirits wanting. Rampant family dysfunction leaves children and parents alienated from one another.
My part in stopping this “spiraling out of controlâ€is to offer the gift of Laughter Yoga.
Back in the ’90s, I experienced several life-shattering traumas, including almost being murdered!
I remained in a black pit for many years until I was introduced to Laughter Yoga. It affected me so profoundly that I made it my business to train and become a LY Leader and Teacher, to have the opportunity to spread the joy of this gift.
Being light hearted is always helpful and having a sense of humor in the hardest times helps too. Seeing the silver lining in life is a blessing as well.
Where can I finfd laughter yoga? (I live on the East Coast– near a decent-sized city in New England). I was just diagnosed with Stage II breast cancer and, though, my companion has a dry wit and soothing humor when he emails or comes to visit, I will like to participate in this type of soul-cleansing therapy! Got any ideas for where I could tap into this near Providence, RI? Thanks– will watch for your reply…
I need to laugh more in my life I get very stressed about life. I am bipolar and I am a great person. I dont like to hang with to many people they annoy me with there problems. I have enough of my own. I love to laugh I am going to try some of these methods I have read this morning. I am very active I stay busy alot so I dont have to think about stressful things. I love my music and reading my bible every morning it gets me through the day. Thank you for the advice I will try hard to laugh more I need it. Have a good day.
Hi Kim, I’m in the Providence area too! Isn’t that funny! Maybe we could start a laugh lunch. I once tried to do incest-survivor stand-up. None of my friends thought it was funny, so I didn’t. I work for the Journal and I’ve been thinking about asking to do a blog about police items that are kind of funny. Maybe we should have a ticklish spot on our [email protected].
See if you can find me.
Donita Naylor
When I was going through a debilitating illness, followed by a very badly broken ankle my husband decided I needed something to make me laugh. The morning of my birthday he came in carrying a pink blanket containing a black & white Shi-Tzu puppy. What a quite wonderful to make my laugh, pets can help immensly with depression
Hi. I read Grace’s comments and was reading about myself. I feel exactly the same. I love to laugh. Every opportunity I get, I try to laugh. I have found myself in very stressful events, bursting into laughter. Not so appropriate. That’s my bipolar side coming out. I will try the suggestions given. The world would be so much better with everyone relieving their stress with laughter and not violence. Have a blessed day!
TeeTee in Houston
Laughter is definitely the best medicine! I enjoy reading the messages that are submitted on this website. Laughter promotes a positive attitude, when life can be difficult. I have epilepsy, but it is important that I do things that make me happy. Everyone has to keep themselves happy. Let’s all keep up with a positive attitude!
Susan in Killeen, Texas
I don’t have a sense of humor. It really bothers me that what jokes or actions or sit coms make people laugh they don’t affect me in the same way. Any one have ideas or comments on this problem of mine and I do feel it is a real problem and not just a bad attitude. I try to see humor and laugh but it doesn’t come. I do yoga weekly and maybe Laughter Yoga would help me. Is there any in central New York that anyone is aware of. thanks Christine
To KM and Donita specifically and then to Christine and others more generally below–
I’m a laughter-yoga teacher here in Providence. World Laughter Day is this Sunday May 3rd at India Point Park from 2:30-4. There will be at least 4 laughter yoga teachers there so you can find out what we’re up to. I will also most certainly be leading a laughter class later in May (probably Sunday May 17th or 31st at 6:30 pm– just not sure which yet) at the yoga studio where i teach vinyassa yoga as well. If you are interested in joining my laughter-yoga mailing list, send me an e-mail at [email protected].
Also, to Christine and others: go to the american school of laughter website for clubs and leaders near you at http://www.laughangeles.com/. And if no one is near you, they also have a list of trainings available and you can start your own club! There is also a free laughter line you can call about a dozen times a day– info is at the same website. As far as humor goes, this is my feeling: humor is beautiful, but it is so individual and also very cultural. what I love about laughter yoga is that it unites us around pure and simple laughter, which is utterly universal. I have noticed though, that the more I bring intention to laughter, the wider my sense of humor seems to get. In other words, the more I intentionally laugh (through classes or the laugh line or with friends) the more things in life strike me as funny. It’s like you are activating your funny bone from the inside out. Quite amazing really. Anyway, ha ha ho ho he he to all!
Love and laughter,
I nearly died from a cascading cataclysm a while back. The silver lining hidden in the fine print was that as I was marching through the corridors of Hell at the tip of a spear, I rediscovered my inborn gift of humor. It literally helped saved my life.
Since 2011, I’ve written extensively about my journey. No matter how many times I set out intending to write an essay with a serious tone, before it’s all aid and done, I find myself derailed and over in the ditch, ambushed by my humor imp.
The down side of having such a fun partner in crime is that the majority of people (targets of emotional abuse and/or those who run support forums) either don’t appreciate humor on the subject, or aren’t ready for humor it yet. Not even self-deprecating humor such as mine.
I get it; I really do. Targets of abuse just want to be out of pain. Been there. Done that. Site admins sell coaching services and books; that’s their livelihood. I get that too.
However, I think we are overlooking the value of tapping into the internal endorphins that are available to us all through laughter and humor. These uplifting drugs are free and immediately gratifying.
Having such an unruly gift of humor and not finding an appropriate outlet for it over a long period of time is frustrating. I find myself conflicted in that my ‘audience’ must have a frame of reference about the subject matter to ‘get’ what I write, but at the same time, I truly do not want to offend or trigger anyone still in struggle.
I am inserting links to my work below. My goal is to connect with people like yourself who may enjoy a little light hearted satire on the topic, for purely entertainment purposes.
Who knows? There may come a slow news day and you may be in the mood for some one-off commentary. Or you may simply want to peruse something funny as you sip your morning coffee and eat your bran muffin.
Why let good humor go to waste, right? LOL
Feel free to share my info with others as you deem appropriate. I’m remaining cautiously optimistic that there are a few others out there besides me who appreciate a little psychological satire now and then.
Blog Lady
My Humor Blog: https://pikeplace77.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pikeplace77com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb1fSOSmG-PB54y35NG4eSg