Religion has actually convinced people that there’s an invisible man… living in the sky… Who watches every thing you do, and he has a list of ten special things that he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry for ever and ever ’til the end of time.
But he loves you. And he needs money!
~ George Carlin, from “You Are All Diseased”
Every morning I wake up and push back the anxieties and frustrations and the never-ending things-to-do list. I awakened to the struggle of coping with these pressures for years until I found a positive psychology intervention that was, beyond a shadow of doubt, the most powerful tool in changing my thought process: Gratitude.Â
I began the day with flooding my mind with the gratitude I had for events, people, experiences and conditions in my life. I’ve written elsewhere about how this struggle evolved. But I never gave where I was sending my gratitude toward any thought. I just sent it out into the ether. Just doing this every morning changed my attitude about life and allowed me to look forward to the day (for the most part) with less angst and more hope. Not a bad deal. Two minutes in the morning and the day brightened up.
There was good reason for me to begin doing my morning gratitude list.Â
The research has been stellar with regard to gratitude’s influence on things such as happiness, vitality, positive feelings, self-esteem, better interpersonal relationships, promoting generosity, less stress, greater life satisfaction and higher reports of general well-being. It also appears to help guard against PTSD, depression and sleep dysfunction.
So along the way I have recommended this to my clients, students, friends and colleagues. This seemed like the easiest thing in the world and it was free. Gratitude for what has happened in my life over the past 24 hours, as well as more global gratitude, had very strong, positive, sustainable effects.
But in spite of all that research, and the obvious benefit it has had for others as well as myself, I have changed my morning mental hygiene ritual. Why? Because (with apologies to George Carlin) the research is pointing toward the invisible man.
I now think it makes a difference if you send your gratitude toward God, or if you simply send it out to the universe hoping it doesn’t get hijacked by a sunspot or asteroid.
In a fascinating new study in the Journal of Positive Psychology (Rosmarin, Purutinsky, Cohen, Galler, and Krumrei, 2011) researchers from Harvard, Columbia, Arizona State, Rutgers and Pepperdine have collaborated to apply an evidence-based approach to religious vs. non-religious gratitude.   They asked whether gratitude to God is better for well-being than generalized gratitude. The study looked at the relationship between dimensions of gratitude and measures of religious commitment and mental and physical well-being.
The authors, like other researchers, found that gratitude was significantly correlated with religious commitment. No surprise here. But these researchers found that the relationship between these two variables was fully mediated specifically by having gratitude directed toward God. In other words, gratitude is more potent when you have both religious commitment and gratitude is directed specifically toward God.
Through an online survey, the researchers looked at 405 adults of varying religious backgrounds and used gratitude questionnaires that measured both religious and non-religious expressions of gratitude. These results were then compared to measures of religious commitment. (Religious commitment was determined by a person’s degree of belief in god, importance of religion, and religious identity.) Happiness, satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect and physical and mental health were measured using well-known scales or adaptations of them.Â
What the research found was that general gratitude was predicted for all the outcome variables. This means that gratitude in general, as other studies have shown, works very well.Â
What was most interesting to me, however, is the degree to which a person is religiously committed was found to actually enhance gratitude’s effect. As the authors put it, “we propose that religion facilitates gratitude through a religious lens” (p. 393).
The research is provocative and brings forth some new questions. Does a strong belief in God alone and having gratitude to him affect our happiness, satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect and physical and mental health? I wonder because I would score very high on the strong belief dimension and lower on the other two. Future research will have to figure this one out.
But until then I have a new morning plan. I get up with the Boogiemen in my head, take my strong belief, and address my morning gratitude directly to the invisible guy in the sky.
Thank you Mr. Tomasulo. I have been sinking in the black hole for a while and realized last week that I’ve been neglecting the spiritual side of life. I agree that gratitude to the “invisible man” aka GOD, in my case, has given me a new perspective on coping with everyday life. Just one little change can move one into a different direction of a mental status. I encourage everyone to make “small” changes with their life for a big return emotionally.
Personally, I’d rather be rational. I’ve read a lot of references to gratitude, but it doesn’t make sense to me. I am not grateful that my abusive mother is still alive, nor that I have to take care of her. I am not grateful that my life is hard. However, even when my wall spurted water onto my dog because of my leaky roof, it didn’t cause me too much despair. After all, most of the time my wall is intact and maybe I’ll figure out a way to get it fixed. I am a naturally optimistic person. Each morning, I get up with a plan to follow for the day. I work hard, I accomplish a lot, and I don’t thank anyone, let alone an invisible deity.
If one does not let things go and get on with your life it will hold you bound until you die, but when we confess that we aren’t perfect like the mother that mistreated one or the other. Your dwelling on things of the past which no one can change the past, will haunt you forever and I know that forever is a long time but it will.
i went through some hard times with life and was injured so i was cought off gaurd supporting myself and my wife from the time i left home at the age of fifteen. i was injured at the age of 40 and blamed all on the person that caused the injury was diagnosed with PTSD was taking about 14 meds. then i realized that life was so beautiful and that i had allways came out ahead not worring about little things. so I went back to school received 3 AA in Business, Mecical Assist., Psychology my PTSD was history and now i live a very positive life. God may be invisible and to some He is not even there but i put my hope in Him every day because “I can do all things with God whom helps me through the rough places.
Talk to God and He is rightful to listen and make things better for you and all you intersed for.
This article is much needed and appreciated. A lot of people speak about their religious and spiritual beliefs when in terms of mental health. I think at times its necessary to combine the two instead of separation like its taboo. Expressing graditude should evoke positivity and I’m happy to see psych research backing up this evidence. Psych is for evolving rather than remaining “old school” like it used too which in turn will welcome more clients who are willing to engage in treatment. I’m proud to be part of this field.
One of our doctoral candidates at Loyola University Maryland just successfully defended her dissertation on gratitude’s influence on faith maturity and stress-related growth. You might be interested in the upcoming conference on religion and spirituality held every year at Loyola’s Columbia campus:
“Does a strong belief in God alone and having gratitude to him affect our happiness, satisfaction with life, positive and negative affect and physical and mental health?”
Does this effect prove the existence of God? Or just that belief makes you happy?
if i went to a psychiatrist, and he wrote this on the prescription pad, i’d laugh, and, after some thought, i’d probably give it a try. great advice, and probably more effective over the long term than effexor or zoloft…
my daughter has been bi polar since 1998 – it is hard to deal with – she is a christian but when she is in a manic state she even fights against God. she has been hospitalized numerous times because she goes off her meds – now she is going to have to go back to hosp again because again she went off her meds for about a month – cant sleep and is constantly up doing things – this time her grown children will have to take her to hosp – we have all told her she needs to take the meds prescribed to keep her stable but she hates taking them – it just seems hopeless – she says if she takes the meds God wont heal her – she believes she will be healed – but have tried to tell her that God does not heal everyone
Healing comes in all sorts of ways. It comes in a peace of mind, the right doctors/medication, the support and understanding of others, the acceptance of a disease. It is not that god doesn’t heal everyone, if we ask he does, but this healing may not be as we know it or are looking for. I hope your daughter can find this sort of healing by god perhaps through her medications. 🙂
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