Dr. Keith Ablow, a practicing psychiatrist known as much for his media persona on the Fox News channel and elsewhere as his two New York Times bestsellers, wrote what I thought was a pretty savage, fear-mongering diatribe recently against parents letting their children watch any episode of “Dancing with the Stars” that features a person who has undergone transgender surgery, Chaz Bono.
His logic is a thing of beauty to behold in its twisted triumph: Because some children who may be watching may be undergoing their own self-identity and sexual transformation (as most teenagers do at some point in their normal development), they are “vulnerable:” “The last thing vulnerable children and adolescents need, as they wrestle with the normal process of establishing their identities [… is to watch an adult who’s made the choice to change their gender].”
Except that Dr. Ablow says it in an emotionally-charged, vulgar manner so as to transform an immense and difficult decision into something that focuses solely on the physical aspects of a transgendered person’s identity.
I’ve typically come to expect shallow pop psychology from many of our media psychologists and psychiatrists. But somehow, I expected something more… well, thoughtful, from my colleague here in Newburyport.
It’s not as if Dr. Ablow doesn’t have the capacity for empathy and talking about a person’s sense of self (rather than focusing on shallow physical attributes). Because by the end of the very same article, he says:
And if all that failed, and if Chaz Bono wanted either to kill herself or to undergo gender reassignment surgery [Ed. – notice how he seemingly and not-so-subtly equates suicide to the thought of undergoing transgender surgery], I would have taken that journey with her, too. I would have talked her parents through the hell of it. We would make the best of it.
How does Dr. Ablow know this isn’t exactly what happened? I mean, most people who undergo the painful — both emotionally and physically — transgendered change do so only after lots of discussion usually accompanied by psychotherapy. It’s not like it’s a decision made on the spur of the moment.
Unfortunately, it degenerates from there:
But I would feel no triumph in it, no sense of any heroic overcoming obstacles and righting the flesh in accordance with the soul. I would feel pathos. I would feel the limits of my attempts to truly heal Chaz Bono, and I would wish her well with a life that had veered, seemingly unavoidably, into a very dark place.
Apparently in Dr. Ablow’s eyes, people who undergo the transgendered process are broken individuals, in need of repair. There are no transgendered people — only people who are confused and in need of treatment to alleviate their condition.
This is an exquisite parallel to how psychiatrists used to talk about homosexuality at one time in the dark ages of psychiatry (the 1950s and ’60s). They once believed — we now know mistakenly — that all homosexuals were simply “mentally ill” and in need of psychoanalysis or electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) to help “cure” them of their homosexuality. Luckily such prejudicial and ignorant views were enlightened by the 1980s, when homosexuality was all but removed from the psychiatric diagnostic manual.
In my opinion, it’s also a very judgmental thing to say about a transgendered individual — from a mental health professional no less (who ostensibly are supposed to check their judgment at the office front door.) It also suggests a prejudice against people who’s sexual and self-identity doesn’t fit in with Dr. Ablow’s own ideas of what sexuality and self-identity is acceptable. A prejudice that only goes to reinforce the stigma, ignorance and hate against people who are transgendered.
But after gathering my mouth from the floor, I have to go back to whether Dr. Ablow’s position — that children could be either irreprepably harmed or unduly influenced by watching a single series of a television show — is based in any sort of reality. You know, like scientific evidence.
Because Dr. Ablow appears to believe that watching some episodes of a dance competition where a transgendered person happens to be one of the contestants is akin to an indoctrination into transgendered society:
It would be wrong to think that gender dysphoria cannot be kindled by celebrating those who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery. Human beings do model one another — in terms of emotion, thought and behavior. By broadcasting, applauding and mainstreaming the journey of a very disordered person who endured, and likely will continue to endure, real suffering based on extraordinarily deep psychological problems, we suggest that that journey is a smart — even heroic — one to take.
So I have to ask myself — since Dr. Ablow didn’t provide any research backing to support his hypothesis — does the research back him up on this? Could children simply model themselves and base their identity on a reality TV show contestant after watching them for a few episodes?
An in-depth literature search turned up nothing. Not a single study could be found that associated watching television with directly (or indirectly) influencing childhood sexual development or self-identity. I couldn’t find research that even revealed just a correlation, much less a study showing a direct causation relationship between the two.
Which isn’t really all that surprising a finding, even if you used just plain common sense… Just think for a moment how much violence children watch on television. But most children don’t grow up to turn into violent criminals because of it. That’s not to say that television — or far more immersive, interactive media such as video games or the Internet — don’t play an impact in a child’s development and self-identity. They do. But there’s no evidence that they do so in a dose-related response where 5 or 10 episodes of anything is going to be a life-changing event for a child or teen.
Therefore the premise that watching 5 or 10 episodes of a television show of a person dancing would have any influence — much less a life-defining, definitive impact — on a person’s sexual- or self-identity is simply hogwash. There’s not a shred of scientific evidence to support such a ridiculous premise. It’s simply the personal opinion of a single individual who is promoting a specific prejudice against people he feels are broken and are in need of his help.
So I have to wonder — is this kind prejudice and passing judgment about a person he’s never seen professionally really the kind of thing one should expect from a respected mental health professional such as Dr. Ablow? Is spouting off about “vulnerable” children a responsible, thoughtful opinion, when a professional such as Dr. Ablow is in a position to help educate and dispel the myths so often associated with difficult issues such as sexual- and self-identity?
Or is Dr. Ablow simply perpetuating the stereotypes and pop-psychology nonsense professionals like himself have been doing for decades about things like child development?
Read Dr. Keith Ablow’s article: Don’t Let Your Kids Watch Chaz Bono On ‘Dancing With The Stars’
An excellent resource for more information: Gender Identity Disorder and Transgenderism
January 2020 Update
Keith Ablow was accused of allegedly abusing his position as a psychiatrist by multiple women: What it Took for a Fox News Psychiatrist to Finally Lose His License (New York Times, December 20, 2019)
This spring [in 2019], however, based on Monique’s claims and the testimonies of four other female patients, as well as several former employees of Dr. Ablow’s, the Massachusetts Board of Registration in Medicine ruled that Dr. Ablow practiced “in violation of law, regulations, and/or good and accepted medical practice.” As a result of that suspension, he consented to cease practice in New York, where a renewed investigation by the conduct office is underway.
Three of the women — like Monique, all young — told an investigator for the Massachusetts board that Dr. Ablow had become sexually involved with them during the course of their treatment. One of them said that he introduced her to sadomasochism and hit her with a belt during their encounters, exclaiming, “I own you.”
Ablow denies the accusations and repositioned his practice as some sort of life-coaching and spiritual counseling office in response to losing his medical license to practice. “Life coaching” requires no specific background or credentials.
April 2022 Update
Documentation obtained under a Freedom of Information request to the Board of Registration of Medicine in Massachusetts shows that Ablow has agreed with some of the allegations in the original complaint about his practice. Behavior he admits includes that Ablow prescribed medications, including Adderall, Clonazapam, Vyvanse, and ketamine, to some of his employees. It would be highly unusual for a psychiatrist to prescribe medications to employees, since employees are generally not patients of the psychiatrist they work for (a dual relationship frowned upon by ethics, if nothing else); the Board’s complaint states, “The employment of a patient is inappropriate.”
Another former patient of Keith Ablow has filed suit against him: “The Londonderry, New Hampshire, resident alleges that during the course of her treatment by Ablow, he engaged in numerous boundary violations, including those of a sexual nature. She also alleges that after his medical license was suspended, Ablow asked her to become a pastor in a church he wanted to start.”
If one thing is clear from the multiple allegations against Ablow, he didn’t appear to understand what healthy professional boundaries are between a psychiatrist and their patients. It is never acceptable for a psychiatrist to have a sexual relationship of any kind with a patient. It is also not acceptable for a psychiatrist to stop seeing a patient in order to pursue a romantic or sexual relationship with them.
See also: From Licensed Physician to Unlicensed Coach
How about just don’t let your kids watch so much tv anyway? Or at least shows that are geared for adults. I am struggling to understand why gender and sexual identity cause so much conflict and string feelings in people who are not directly involved.
Wow, John, you really sound vicious here. I know you to be a far more reflective, balanced person. And since I work down the street from you, and we’ve had coffee together and all, I wonder why you wouldn’t have called me for a comment. Very disappointing. I would have done you a better turn. Be well.
Keith Ablow, MD
Hi Keith — Thanks for your comment. I didn’t reach out to you for comment because I thought your words were eloquent enough to make whatever point you were trying to make on the Fox website. What more could be said?
We regularly analyze and dissect psychology and mental health news on this blog, and how it’s portrayed in the mainstream media. We’ve given up trying to get anyone to comment on such analysis because journalists and publishers see little benefit in acknowledging when they’ve flubbed up their own analysis (or often, it’s simply a matter of different emphasis or opinion).
But you’re welcomed to post a rebuttal here in the comments, or even as a stand-alone blog entry — I’d be happy to publish it.
And Dr. Ablow told Rumorfix:
My question back to you would be, why not? Celebrities and others help promote understanding and reducing ignorance about both mental health concerns and other significant issues all the time. Why call out Chaz Bono and not all these other celebrities if that’s your point?
I think John Grohol sounds envious of Dr Keith and is twisting his meaning, I know someone who had that type of surgery and is now a woman is was a hard journey – still is at times but then life is not easy all the time for anyone.
Earlier this week, I sent Ablow a message of protest of his attack against Chaz Bono, via Facebook. He responded as a huckster might, hinting that he would be available to “help†me, even though I had sent him a message of protest. I clarified that his article is completely unacceptable . . . and then when he saw he had no chance of success in pitching himself “to help†me, he blocked me on Facebook. His article was a sales pitch to certain fearful and ignorant people, and he treated my message of protest about it as another opportunity to try to pitch his services to somebody. Is all of that ethical, out of a certified psychiatrist?
Ablow condescendingly sidestepped rational criticism of his vicious attack on Chaz Bono, by calling the rational critic of his vicious attack “vicious.” (By the way — I’ve never seen an anti-LGBT bigot do such a thing before. The tactic is completely new to me, so thank goodness I was astute enough, immediately to recognize what Ablow was pulling). Chaz Bono has self-acceptance and confidence, and is not hurting anybody, but Ablow with malice aforethought is alleging that for a young person merely to watch Chaz Bono on Dancing With the Stars will hurt the young viewer. If that isn’t vicious, what is it?
Keith’s observations are usually correct.
Because Mr. Abalow is not Politically Correct, he draws some negative attention from the entrenched Group-Thinkers.
– KK
Interesting how Dr. Ablow doesn’t even mention how dancing with the stars has featured teenage mom, Bristol Palin, or convicted felon Tom DeLay and their possible impact on children watching DWTS. Nor does he bother to mention how fellow participant Ron Artest was arrested for spousal abuse yet he’s on DWTS. Wonder which traumatizes children more… seeing their father threaten and assault their mother or seeing a trans man dancing on a TV show? Moreover, I find Dr. Ablow’s considerable rudeness and dismissiveness when addresses Mr. Bono using female pronouns to be highly offensive. I suggest he deal with his own brand of viciousness and lack of reflection before castigating other professionals on their own.
excellent comment Gina! I agree 100%. His opinion of Cassie Anthony’s innocence is another humdinger as well. Based on unprofessional and unfounded proof he cooks up a pathetic smoke screen with a few (again unproved)diagnoses to support his conclusions. He talks like a “see I told you so” nincompoop! IOW a 12 year old! He’s an opportunist and a liar.
I makes me at once incredibly angry and incredibly sad to watch people in the media attempt to make a connection between one person’s personal struggle, and turning our kids “bad.”
Is watching someone struggle with cancer, or with depression, or hoarding, or an eating disorder on TV going to somehow goad our children into becoming someone with cancer or depression? Of course not.
Most kids who watch Dancing with the Stars won’t even KNOW that Chaz was once a women – that is, unless they turn on some uneducated media personality harping on it in a sensationalized way.
Dear Dr. Grohol,
I don’t need to have a medical degree to figure out that if you think that Dr. Ablow’s article is….searching….sensationalism, this blog is sensationalism as well.
I will keep my personal opinion out of it, but will only say that Dr. Ablow made a very respectful comment to you.
Really, Why didn’t you call him and ask him for a comment if he works right down the street from you, and has had coffee with you.
It’s because YOU wanted to make a media splash as well, at the expense of your colleague.
Everyone is calling Dr. Ablow out, even Joy Behar today on the view. It seems to me that someone needs to call YOU out as well.
Shame on you. I agree, you should have asked Dr. Ablow for a comment before participating in ripping your colleague to shreds.
JG – There’s a couple of reasons, some of which I already explained, why I didn’t call him ahead of time. As a rule, we don’t generally try and contact the people we write about because they usually can’t get back to us in time in the fast-paced world of blogging. I also had no specific questions for Dr. Ablow about his article; it speaks for itself.
Also, to clear up the record, Dr. Ablow and I have met only to discuss business; I haven’t seen him in years.
In retrospect, I see where it may have been of value to try and get further comment from Dr. Ablow before publishing this article.
Dr. Grohol,
Thank you for your response, and thank you for confirming that it would have been beneficial to call Dr. Ablow.
I have been roaming around this site, and it does seem to have much to offer. In full disclosure, I was a patient of Dr. Ablow’s, and googled him after hearing him called out so badly today on The View. Hence, I landed here.
You must know about the bonds that patients make with their therapists, and how hurtful it would be to have your prior psychiatrist torn apart in the media, so I felt the need to vent.
Again, thank you for your respectful response, and I will continue to find my way around this site.
Peace to you,
Oh my GOD, is he SERIOUS? Why doesn’t he harp on the way the women on the show “Dancing with the Stars” dress and how that affects young girls with the beginning flutterings of eating disorders and self-image problems? To me, THAT is the reason my children don’t want DWTS…the women dress like their dancing ability hinges on the skill needed to keep a tiny scrap of a dress on over frequently silicone-enhanced body parts! Grace Kelly wore absolutely gorgeous gowns when ballroom dancing and didn’t look like a streetwalker….to me, the body image issue is a FAR bigger fish to fry when it comes to this show than ONE transgendered person appearing on the show.
For the record, I work at a nonprofit AIDS care organization that employs quite a few transgendered individuals. My children come visit me and work and at functions and are very familiar and comfortable with all of our transgendered employees (once we made it clear that we don’t call them “man-ladies” as my 4 year old did). I also volunteer for and am on the board of several local LGBT organizations. My children understand that all people are worthy of love and respect. Now you tell me how that’s going to screw my kids up in the head? No, HATE, bigotry, misunderstanding, and FEAR all screws kids up in the head.
To date, none of my kids have wavered in their self-identity or wanted to change gender due to being around our friends and coworkers. Keith’s point is not only utterly and totally wrong, it’s ignorant and bigoted.
Bravo Melissa. A constant barrage of scantily dressed and/or overly thin women is a much more immediate and pervasive problem for tweens and teens.
Ya think? Personlly, I think this desensitization of our children is leading this whole country down a very slippery slope.
Outstanding points all around, Melissa.
Melissa, I love what u said!! And I agree! Also applaud ur parental teachings to ur children…..if each one of us did this with our children….we could see a better world for generations to come. Unfortunately there will always be folks who think like Dr. Ablow.
I copied / pasted below my post to Dr. Ablow’s article on Facebooke. I am also glad that another psychiatrist gave his PROFESSIONAL opinion on Dr. Ablow’s article.
Lucia Abadia: Quite a conversation….. Dr. Ablow seems to enjoy making statements to stir things up and usually not in a positive way. I find his professionalism lacking much….. Personally, I know very little about transgender, bi’s and so forth….. But what I do know is that our planet houses a great diversity of souls from a to z and everything there is in between…. I believe most folks have learned from history and past experiences that “prohibition” of any kind only promotes unhealthy psychological thinking and behaviors at various levels in an individuals mind. To tell parents not to let their kids watch Chaz Bono bc it will promote kids who are already questioning their sexuality to perhaps choose Chaz Bono’s path is absurd and full of ignorance. Let’s be real here: It is a dance show in which Chaz Bono will participate. Chaz Bono is not the first to go under the knife to become more like a man or vice versa…… This is not new news…. This is not out of space news!! The only reason anything is being said it is because of who Chaz Bono’s parents are/were in the sixties and Cher known for her sexiness and beautiful voice….. Do you honestly think every transgender gets this much attention??? Not. The bottom line is I believe that most psychiatrists would disagree with Dr. Ablow’s article. One: it is not an article based on research and or scientific facts. Two: This article is his personal beliefs….and not necessarily a common belief of a community of psychiatrist. Three. I am no psychiatrist, do not claim to hold any kind of degree or be an expert in the field of psychiatry; however, I have had extensive interaction with psychiatrists, psychologist, neurologist… as an employee and as a patient. And I can honestly say, the common thread is of promoting ACCEPTANCE of all individuals and things that are lets say DIFFERENT from us. They exist, they breathe same air and share same planet. Ignoring them, putting them down, criticizing and judging someone does not change anything. Nobody has to like it or love what other people do to themselves or the life style they choose to live….. Dr. Ablow this the year 2011, your article and thinking seems to still be back in caveman era.
Tuesday at 3:16am
You make some good points.
First of all as someone who is trans, thank you for this article, it is nice seeing some professionals respond to what is bigotry in the guise of science. He made several other statements that were extremely problematic, that just further highlight his ignorance of the issue.
Specifically his comment about not getting a plastic surgeon to fix a mental disorder. Although GID is currently a disorder in the dsm it is a very controversial diagnosis, and as you mentioned is similar to the history of homosexuality being a mental disorder. The treatments that Dr. Ablow was advising against, hormonal, and physical interventions are a well established treatment for GID (gender identity disorder), because they work; there is a large amount of research showing other interventions fail but transitioning succeeds.
Furthermore his comments are incredibly insulting every time he refers to Chaz with female pronouns. From the APA’s web site regarding trans people: “Use names and pronouns that are appropriate to the person’s gender presentation and identity; if in doubt, ask their preference.” Part of being a professional is being respectful of diversity, as said in this article.
Finally I also want to address his comments saying Chaz is a woman because of his DNA. This underscores Dr. Ablow’s misunderstanding of sexual and gender diversity. There are many women who have XY chromosomes, and men who are XX or other variants of chromosomes (for more information you can look up intersex conditions). There is also some literature showing that transgender people have brain development in certain areas that are similar to their identified gender. These things show how there is a large amount of diversity in sexual development, and to reduce it all down to chromosomes and ignore anything else shows how a lack of understanding of developmental psychology.
So again thank you for your article.
They are supopsed to be eliminating GID from the new DSM. One of the welcomed changes.
I don’t think they are planning on eliminating GID in the DSM-V. They are simply planning on replacing it with Gender Dysphoria, which is at least more apt description
I believe that homosexuality is a mental illness that must be cured because it causes many psychological and social problems. Nobody likes the idea of seeing their son being seduced by another man or their daughter being seduced by another woman. This is an abnormal situation that causes pain and provokes many conflicts.
This program should be forbidden because it does influence many children. I believe that it was a good idea to warn the public about its dangers.
However, our absurd civilization has no idea about what should be considered abnormal or balanced behavior. Nobody believes that moral principals save our mental stability. Our historical time is chaotic and dangerous.
You make the mistake of assuming that gender issues are always about sex. They are not. Sexuality is only one small part of gender and gender assignment.
Perhaps psychological and social problems are not caused by being homosexual but by the ignorance, stigma, and downright hatred, that homosexuals experience.
And while a parent would not like to see their “son being seduced by another man or their daughter being seduced by another woman”, it’s not their life. Parents could avoid pain and conflict by accepting their child as they are and not who they want them to be.
If you don’t want your child to see it, turn off the tv.
The idea of one’s son or daughter being seduced by someone of the same sex causes problems . . . for whom? It always seems to me that most of the problems are experienced by those outside the relationship, such as parents and ‘friends’ who are disappointed when their plans for someone’s sexual identity are not fulfilled.
I can’t say that I entirely disagree about sin. But it seems to me unless there is real injury to others involved (and I would include lasting psychological damage here), then sin is off the table. So which sounds more sinful? Blighting someone’s personal relationships for a lifetime – and possibly those of the people closest if the LBGT person tries to live a straight lifestyle, or a few sexual behaviors that would be okay if they were with someone of the opposite sex? I’m just asking . . .
Dr. Grohol: I appreciate the lit search you did. It should stun me that people continue to confuse opinion with fact; but, sadly, it doesn’t. It makes sense that Dr. Ablow’s opinion was published on Fox, since Fox encourages this type of thinking. Dr. Ablow did not even comment on this part of your response to his remarks. Hmmm…I wonder why?
quoting no studies are made to support what’s written in the article is funny, no studies don’t mean the problem doesn’t exist, but only no one ever decided to put it in the spotlight! You say dr Ablow is saying things against psycology? The fact that homosexuality has been taken off as mental illness, or as a mental disorder, has not given society and gays a good thing. If you would attend the natural sciences university in milano, you could hear a lecture, they do any year at second year, where they explain why and how homosexuality is present in nature and how animals deal with it. It is a behavioral disorder, simply. I don’t care what gay say, I don’t discriminate and I have friends who are gay, as i have friends who have panic attacks and friends I addressed to dr Ablow for therapy. Treating homosexuality as a pride made a lot of damage to all. And yes, tv destroys vulnerable minds and I’m sure dr Ablow’s kids have a great daddy who will pay attention to them.
I think everyone is becoming to wrapped up in being “tolerant” and most individual’s feel that they have too accept everything and everybody because of how our society is morphing the ability to have an opinion into being a hateful bigot. Dr. Keith Ablow is not out for blood he is respectfully helping the American public realize that individual’s struggling with gender identity and more specifically, the individual’s who under go a horrific, self-mutilating surgery, are not fixing their underlying psychological problems; i.e. gender dysphoria.
And I agree with Kay’s statement… Maybe you just shouldn’t allow your children to watch as much television. Adult content is, as it specifically indicates, for adult’s only. Take responsibility, own your opinions, and don’t let a bunch of idiots decide what is right and wrong for you and your family.
“Dr. Keith Ablow is not out for blood he is respectfully helping the American public realize that individual’s struggling with gender identity and more specifically, the individual’s who under go a horrific, self-mutilating surgery, are not fixing their underlying psychological problems; i.e. gender dysphoria.”
He is saying this but he is wrong. I don’t have time to look up all the research that supports this so I will just list one older literature review if you are wanting real facts.
Green R, Fleming D. (1990). Transsexual surgery follow-up: status in the 1990s. Annu Rev Sex Res 1990;1:163–174.
You say you couldn’t find any research or evidence that this could effect our kids in a negative way. Well, of course not because this is just the beginning of our children seeing this kind of stuff on tv. Having a child who struggles with his identity because he is not your “average” boy that plays sports or enjoys boy things disturbs me to think of letting him watch Chaz dance. The DWTS is putting him on just for the reason that we are all talking, not that they care about him.
Dr. Ablow has done nothing but tell you what he thinks. Agree or disagree but but we shouldn’t be insulting.
Michelle — Children have been watching far more troublesome content on television for decades (e.g., violence). Where is the generation who grew up on violent TV shows and the connection to violence as adults? It doesn’t exist, because TV apparently doesn’t work that way on child development. It’s not like you watch a TV show, and then go out in the world and model that behavior tomorrow. Even children are smarter than that.
I disagree with you. There have been studies where children watch violence on tv and become more aggressive. Television can be a powerful influence on children. I have an 8 year old and an 11 year old and yes I need to monitor what and when they watch. More parents aren’t home to teach their kids the values that we had when we were younger teaching them what is and isn’t appropriate. Being a first grade teacher for ten years I saw the influence that tv had on kids.
So for you to say “kids are smarter than that” is just false.
You are terribly wrong to say that violence on tv doesn’t effect our children. They have done many studies showing that some children become more aggressive after watching violence on tv. Most parents are not home like when we were younger to monitor what their kids are watching and to teach them about values and what is appropriate and what is not. I was a first grade teacher for ten years and it is just false to say “kids are smarter than that”
Would you have a problem with that child watching Dancing With the “Stars” at all? Is dancing an “average boy thing” that is acceptable for boys to watch and enjoy? Men dance on that show. Chaz is a man.
And perhaps a child doesn’t need to “struggle” with his identity because he doesn’t enjoy “average boy things.” Perhaps we can all love and affirm him for his own unique personality.
And I suppose you agree with his unprofessional assessment of Casey Anthony’s claim to being sexually molested by her father and brother as being true when he only visited with her ONCE?
Maybe you should be informed of an interesting FACT about Ablow. Among the medical community which is made up of numerous physicians, he is considered a “quack”. He writes books which contain his and only his opinions which have no medical or scientific proof behind them. He is nothing more than a liar and an opportunist that uses the latest news story to cash in on by offering his so called “professional” opinion.
I find your article and your position breathtakingly disingenuous. Are you saying you care about the children? Or are you saying you care about people who are dealing with what Mr. Bono has been dealing with? I’m not sure what it is you care about, if anything, other than your ability to stir things up to bring focus to yourself through your own writing.
I care about Chaz Bono as ahuman being, and frankly see the show’s move of including him before his personal issues have had a chance to cool as a desperate ratings grab. If it were next year, it would not pull the attention it has pulled by including him now. It’s a deplorable but an obvious move. And the fact is, I don’t let my children watch that show anyway. It pretends to be about dancing; it’s not, as this current issue clearly demonstrates.
CeceD — I care about people who face the result of ignorance and prejudice and stigma because of professionals who use their position of power and responsibility to promote ignorance rather than to promote a teaching moment and help others understand the complexities of human kind.
There’s nothing disingenuous about the stigma-busting work I’ve been doing for mental health concerns online since 1992.
All this jazz about Chaz is based on a 4 letter word beginning with the letter F. FEAR Even persons who work in the field of mental health like Dr.Ablow have mental problems of some sort. As my life experience with psychiatrist has shown me that sometimes the line between the Dr. and the patient is very thin.
John: You wrote “…Apparently in Dr. Ablow’s eyes, people who undergo the transgendered process are broken individuals, in need of repair. There are no transgendered people — only people who are confused and in need of treatment to alleviate their condition. …”
I laughed at “are broken individuals, in need of repair” because “apparently” Keith isn’t the only who thinks, “broken” and “in need of repair” because the transies obviously agree through the drugs, cutting off boobs or adding them, cutting off penis’ or adding them and adding vaginas, etc. OBVIOUSLY these people are broken and sick.
And another thing that bothers me is that so many people think children are stuipid. They aren’t and if they didn’t know She is a female pretending to be a male because her brain is wrong, somebody in their class will tell them. Then parents have to explain it. And we all know parents shouldn’t have such pressure put on them because liberals tell us all time, how hard it is to be a parent. Hence, removal of Happy Meal Toys, cereal commercials, etc. Parents will not watch the show with their children and that is as it should be.
Do you assume that all homosexuals are liberal? That is a mistake I made many years ago. Plus, never assume that transgendered people are homosexual. I realize that sounds strange.
I fail to see where this article has ANYTHING to do with being liberal.
I LOVE your TOTAL ignorance!!! Obviously, you have ZERO clue on how science works. For one, it does not work on “OBVIOUS” things but on EVIDENCE (of which you offer ZERO)
“I laughed at “are broken individuals, in need of repair†because “apparently†Keith isn’t the only who thinks, “broken†and “in need of repair†because the transies obviously agree through the drugs, cutting off boobs or adding them, cutting off penis’ or adding them and adding vaginas, etc. OBVIOUSLY these people are broken and sick.”
Where is the “evidence” supporting your “obvious” conclusions? Nowhere to be found
FYI, I am sorry to tell you that there is NO MALE and FEMALE binary in nature. Google Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS) and De la Chapelle syndrome; nature actually produce transexuals without you noticing… but science already did
John, youre right. Dr Keith Ablow MD is a total TIT. I can write a long piece about why, but right now I havent got the mental energy to waste on f**…. morons
I really just don’t understand why this is about children? It’s my job as a parent to decide what they watch. DWTS has never been on our TV at home anyway, because it is vapid and boring. However, if you really want to get worked up about helping kids, then look into suicide prevention; it is the number three cause of death for young people in America. Really, the transgender community is statistically small; it is really unlikely to occur in your child, so why get all riled up about it? Let the people who are dealing with it decide how to procede, and worry about more likely problems for your children. Or just relax 🙂
If no one pointed out the fact that Chaz Bono used to be female – would anyone younger than 20 know? Do kids care? Should they care? As always, the few make that huge mountain out of a tiny mole hill. Why share information with kids that is not relevant to their lives? Is Chaz Bono important to their lives – no. Will they ever meet him -no. Once the show is over he will no longer be news.
I agree, Sheila. Most kid won’t even know him, now or pre-gender reassignment. If younger children hear about it on the show, they won’t even know what’s being discussed. If older children hear it, perhaps it’s a “teachable moment” – the lesson being that ALL humans are worthy of respect and dignity.
Dear Dr. Grohol,
I, too, read the original article by Dr. Ablow on FoxNews. As a physician, it seems I formed a strikingly different opinion. To begin with, my “liking” Dr. Keith’s article on facebook sparked a chain of events that led a teenager (who had been contemplating gender re-assignment, and yes, also suicide) to find a therapist more in tune with treating the underlying causes rather than changing just his exterior. A definite victory!
Personally, as a survivor of incest, Dr. Ablow’s observations ring very true. I always felt ugly as well as guilty for any problems that occurred in the family. Had transgender been promoted as the “answer” it is currently, I would have given it great consideration. As an adult, when the insulation of fat was not enough to keep me safe, would I have removed my breasts and closed my vagina to ward off men? Would my parents finally be happy they had the “son” they always wanted? I realize this seems extreme, but as a highly competent adult who has faced these demons, I can promise this path could have seemed like an escape, even though I could not have explained the “why” of the attraction to gender re-assignment. Clearly, I am not a man, but had I seen it as a viable option, I know it would have felt like it could be a solution to all of my problems.
Your lack of data argument fails to impress, because absence of scientific evidence does not make reality any less true. To use your same line of thought, why are there no studies indicating the shortened life-span and higher cancer rates, cardiac deaths and obesity that necessarily accompany such high doses of exogenous hormones? Perhaps the study has not been performed because the answer would prove that by encouraging people to alter their body and flood themselves with non-endogenous levels of hormones, we are encouraging them to an early death? No proof, as you might say, but a thought worthy of consideration, that seems to have been entirely left out of the discussion.
As an incest survivor, and thankfully a woman who now loves her body, I applaud the bravery displayed by Dr. Ablow. I hope as Editor-in-Chief, you realize that simply changing the “what” of a problem, never solves “why” the problem occurred in the first place. As medical professionals, our job is to fix the disease, not simply alter the symptom. I wonder why you would write that Dr. Ablow focused on “shallow physical attributes?” If physical attributes are “shallow” as you wrote, why then, would you be in support of changing them?
Dr. Ablow’s message of examining the core of the ego-dystonic state seems to have been lost, and replaced with your criticism of his ideas as vulgar, twisted and non-sense. Hardly civilized, especially considering your credentials and platform. You publicly chastise him for not speaking with Chaz and yet you judge Dr. Keith without speaking to him first. What happened to holding yourself to the same standard you set forth above? It makes me wonder, perhaps, if your trepidation to explore an alternative theory is a simply a manifestation of an unexamined life?
Your article would have been far more credible without the personal attacks, and resultantly, I hear the pain behind your words. I wish you the best in finding healing for whatever issues you felt would be helped by attempting to tarnish the reputation of a friend and colleague. I hope in the future your are able to refrain from personal attacks and address differences of opinion with the courage exhibited by Dr. Ablow. Best Wishes – Jennifer
Respectfully, Dr., your response would have held more credibility without the personal attacks.
Saying that I applaud your courage in overcoming your struggles. And your point is well taken.
Jennifer — Thank you for chiming in with your point of view, and sharing your experience with us. Obviously I can’t speak to an individual’s personal story, since I don’t know you, but it sounds like it was a traumatic experience.
Lack of data should always be a concern when someone says we need to do something to “protect the children.” So much is done in the name of children that I would hope that we would turn to the scientific method to help answer our questions when in doubt.
As a physician, I’m not sure you understand that mental disorders are not “diseases” in the traditional medical sense (a confusion many of those trained in the medical profession unfortunately share). Therefore to talk about them in terms of a “cure” often makes little sense. How does one get “cured” of a personality disorder? Or dysthymia? Or schizophrenia?
Your suggestion that transgendered people are simply “hiding” their symptoms is an unfortunate characterization of the complexity of this issue and speaks for itself. It is again very reminiscent of the way psychiatrists once spoke of homosexuality. Having spoken to quite a few transgendered people over the years, I’d have to say it is not a characterization any of them shared.
I have never said a word about Dr. Keith not calling or talking to Chaz Bono before writing his article (you might want to read my article again). But you’ve made an interesting point, if true. What was his excuse?
I did not make any personal attacks against Dr. Ablow. I characterized his words as I viewed them, in context of my understanding of the research and the generally accepted professional perspective among mental health professionals on this issue. His words were full of prejudice and, in my opinion, promoting intolerance. These were not words I recognized from the two brief interactions I’ve had with Dr. Ablow face to face a few years ago. (Sorry, we were never “friends.”)
I also think Melissa makes some very good points. Out of all the things to complain about “Dancing with the Stars,” I find the focus on a transgendered individual an interesting choice. I personally don’t think it takes very much courage to call out a misunderstood minority and heap more half-truths onto the pile.
I do wish you the best in finding additional healing for the issues you’ve grappled with in your life as well.
Dear Dr. Grohol,
Thank you for responding to my comments. I have given them much thought and hope you can help me to understand some of the questions I still have. I realize they are tough questions, but I believe you may be able to provide answers that I have not been able to locate on my own.
1) I believe I understand your quest for scientific data and hoping since you have treated several transgender patients you could help me find some objective answers that I have not been able to locate.
—What percentage of transgender individuals abuse drugs or alcohol? (in my experience of about ten, the number is 100% which, to me, indicates the claimed psychotherapy was not effective at addressing the root of the issues)
—What is the life expectancy after transgender surgery? (Since there is data to support increased death with hormone supplementation, why does this not seem to be a factor when these patients are receiving huge doses?)
—What percentage of transgender individuals were sexually abused prior to their surgery?
2)I understood you to write that Dr. Keith’s article focused on the “shallow physical attributes” of the surgery. I am hoping you can helping me to define the difference of men and women in transgender world because I am thoroughly confused. To use Chaz Bono as an example, she still has female DNA, female bone structure (like pelvic girdles vary between the genders), and from public statements still has a vagina. It seems, then, that lack of breasts and facial hair are the “transgender” aspects we are celebrating. I wonder how that affects the millions of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome whose beards are much thicker than Chaz’s? Do they now see themselves as less feminine because Chaz (and the media) has celebrated a sparse beard as a sign of manliness? What about women who had hysterectomies due to breast cancer and thus unable to be on replacement hormones? They lack breasts and estrogen–are they still female? I believe you will indicate the issue is deeper than physical appearance, which I agree, so then why is it necessary to mutilate your genitals? If Chaz Bono is already “a man” as she and the media claim, why is a penis necessary?
3)Finally, a general question from your experience. It seems you chastised your profession for previously calling homosexuality a mental illness – to elucidate that group think can be wrong (I agree). But, you go on to chastise Dr. Ablow because he does not agree with “mainstream” mental health professionals–so in this instance you use mainstream think to support your case against Dr. Ablow. I wonder how one logically jumps from mainstream thinking being wrong, to it being right. Aren’t those brave individuals that cause us to pause and question our premise the engines that drive the advancement of science? In twenty years will we be lamenting that we once mutilated genitals of people whose psyche we could not heal? How do you know?
Jennifer, a typical trans man also has voice pitch, body hair, head hair, genital anatomy and musculature that have been completely or partially masculinized by testosterone. If you walked past a trans man on the street or spoke to them (and you probably have) you wouldn’t know them from a short cis man. So why pick out stuff like DNA, that you can’t personally interact with? It looks a bit like reaching for excuses.
There is no reply tag on Dr. Jennifer’s post so I apologize for linking to Dr Grohol’s post, but it’s the best that I can do.
Dr. Jennifer asks several questions. There are no definitive studies of transgenders. Most people who are transgender never seek help for the condition because of the huge social stigma against transgenderism, making statistic gathering impossible. However, because transsexuals and troubled transgenders do have to seek therapy, we do know something about them.
I am not going to rely on those statistics but, as did Dr. Jennifer, I’m going to answer using the foundation of own involvement. I am going to answer these questions based upon my own experience as a male to female transsexual and also those experiences of some very close and dear friends with whom we have shared the most intimate details of our history and journey.
“—What percentage of transgender individuals abuse drugs or alcohol? (in my experience of about ten, the number is 100% which, to me, indicates the claimed psychotherapy was not effective at addressing the root of the issues)”
I never drank or used drugs. Most of my friends don’t abuse either as well. I do know some people who did have those issues. Once they started their transitions, the desire to numb themselves with drugs and alcohol disappeared.
“—What is the life expectancy after transgender surgery? (Since there is data to support increased death with hormone supplementation, why does this not seem to be a factor when these patients are receiving huge doses?)”
This statistic is known to some extent, but it is skewed. Why do I say that? A large number of people who are transgender attempt of commit suicide because they see no hope for their condition. The suicide numbers are so large as to skew the life expectancy numbers! Some say this number is as high as 40%. The suicide rate for post operative transsexuals is also very high. Why? Because transsexuals are the last group where it’s still acceptable to discriminate against them. We are denied housing, jobs, and medical care. Family, friends and associates also often abandon us. The threat of violence against us is omnipresent and stories of our brothers and sisters being beaten or killed are common.
People who were formerly very successful in life end up broken and homeless because of persistent discrimination once they come out. Then, to make matters worse, those who discriminate against us feel perfectly well justified BECAUSE OF WHAT PROFESSIONALS LIKE DR. ABLOW write about us. Thanks. That’s a help.
“—What percentage of transgender individuals were sexually abused prior to their surgery?”
Again, I know of none. Of my closest friends — we’re so close we are more like family — who are transsexual, none of us have a history of drug, alcohol, or sexual abuse. We all hold responsible jobs in professional fields such as information technology, medicine, engineering, and scientific research.
We’re not crazy. We’re misunderstood.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Perhaps you should wonder about the pain behind Dr. Ablow’s vile words more than Dr. Grohol’s efforts to educate and encourage acceptance.
As soon as I hear “ego-dystonic” used, I know we’re dealing with NARTH members or people who’ve been fed on NARTH’s pseudo science. Sorry Jennifer had some traumas in her life, but she doesn’t get to disrespect all trans persons because of what she’s been through nor pretend she knows anything about our experiences.
I was very interested in and impressed by Dr. Ablow’s artticle. I am not a doctor , but I am a mother ( two grown daughters) amd grandmother to two teenagers (girl 15. Boy 13). Years ago when my girls were growing up, there was very, very little said about this subject of being gay…and none about transgender. Now, however, it’s a critical subject. I read a few of the posts and can tell they are mostly from younger people who have been and are being thoroughly brainwashed into an acceptance of many things my generation would never have accepted. Maybe we feel more ‘involved’ in the Chastity/Chaz transformation. She a beautiful little girl with two famous parents. No doubt she had a very different upbringing than most of us. I find it all very sad. Unfortunately, she is now a short, fat, unattractive man…with even more reasons to be trapped in a vicious cycle of low self esteem, confused and unsure about fitting in as a man. To me, it’s a sad, sad situation.
His appearance on DWTS did nothing to change my mind….I am still sad …he looks like a man noone would envy. My grandkids watched it and, with no prompting from any of us, said “he looks weird”…gave us an opportunity to use this as a good learning experience to talk a out tolerance, mental states of mind and how life & the future will probably be for Chaz.
I applaud your taking time to write a comment here and respect your professional opinion. However, I am shocked at the flack you’be had thrown at you! Some people tell us we should be tolerant whereas they show no tolerance for anyone who disagrees with them…we see that same intolerance in the divided condition of the USA today. That, too, is very sad…and very scary.
I do not watch Dancing with the Stars, and I am not an expert on mental health. I, too, was shocked when I stumbled across this article. At first, it seemed cold and it read like a personal attack on Chaz Bono.
But it got me thinking. A few months ago, while channel surfing, I stumbled upon the reality show “Becoming Chaz” on OWN. I only watched a few moments and it was a scene where Chaz was going to the plastic surgeon for a pre-op meeting. The surgeon’s office looked like something out of a Dr. Seuss book, as in really, he had a chair that look like a replica of the furniture from The Cat in the Hat. It looked more like a fun house, than a doctor’s office. That clip bothered me because I do not see how anyone could go to a professional in an office like that to alter their appearance. At the time, I thought about the immense pain Chaz must be in to want to have a sex change. And so naturally, one would want to do the thing they think would make them happy.
But after thinking over the articles intention, it makes sense.
Take for example an alcoholic. Someone who is in such immense pain, who is anxious over everything, that the only thing they think will make them happy is to throw back a bottle of vodka. Its a solution, but they wake up after their black out still in a tremendous amount of pain, and now with the added burden of a hangover. The solution is making them sick, and its only putting a cover over the angst inside them.
That is what I think his point is. I understand that there are babies born with characteristics of both genders, however they struggle with this their whole life. But for a person to do that to themselves in an effort to rid the pain of being a woman is only prolonging their grief. He may have a new gender, but a plastic surgeon can’t repair one’s heart. Its still the same one, with the same feelings, with the same past.
And to the point that you don’t think kids are influenced by watching TV must mean that you are under the impression kids are just watching Nick at Nite. This is not true! Kids like to be in a fantasy world, and so television helps them do that. A show featuring someone that has changed genders may teach kids to respect transgendered individuals, but its featuring a message that there is an artificial fix to all of life’s struggles. TV is often kids window to the world, and is very influential in shaping their worldview. You don’t think a reality show about a pregnant man didn’t mess with children’s understanding of biology?
I would also like to add that I’m a liberal, very, and yet I agree with this article. I think criticism should go to ABC for exploiting someone’s pain just for ratings. Though I don’t know why someone wants to change genders, I can’t help but feel there is an underlying reason for it. God made Chastity, and He doesn’t make mistakes.
As a transgendered woman and a single parent of two amazing teenage sons,I am glad to see a rebuttal of Dr. Ablow. Also, I would say that his school of thought is greatly in error and potentially destructive. Transgendered individuals have a ludicrously high suicide rate that can be attributed in part to the effects of prejudice and discrimination. Dr. Ablow only serves to propagate this. Also, I can say that direct exposure to transgendered poeple has no effect on gender identity or sexual preferences of those around them. My sons, my babies, are happily who they are and I would not change that even if I could – and I certainly can’t, they choose to be with me.
As a gay man who grew up in the 1960’s, I can remember an Army psychiatrist telling me that the only jobs I could ever get would be as a florist or an interior decorator. Dr. Ablow beckons me back to those dark days of psychiatry.
John, thank you for countering and answering the disinformation that is so frequently found on Faux News.
I don’t watch shows like this one mentioned above for several reasons, but the most important one is glorifying narcissism.
You want a real reality show and make dancing part of it? Take real, honest people who would like to learn how to dance, perhaps to then take their significant other out and enjoy the education, and at the same time configure the show so those watching at home could learn too.
What?! That is too honest and giving to the public?
Gee, maybe the narcissism of the producers, network, and participants drains any realistic expectations to truly entertain and better the public.
But, let’s face it, just like an accident, the majority of the population has to stop and stare.
Reality shows. What a joke term!!!
I first realized I needed to transition to female when I was 12. I knew trans people existed, but my parents gave me the impression that all trans people were either criminals, or prostitutes. Maybe if I had seen some positive trans role models like Chaz on television, I would not have wasted 8 years of my life trying to fight my need to became a woman!
Studies on the success rate of gender transitions show that 98% of people who transition are satisfied with their new gender (sorry, I don’t have the links to the studies to back that up, perhaps someone else could post them?). This suggests to me that the people who tend to contemplate transition are the ones who are genuinely trans, and that for others, it’s an oddity that just gets ignored.
Keep in mind that many people who feel dissatisfied with their transition may still be genuinely trans, but may have had a complication due to their transition, which could be anything from a surgical complication to the loss of a career due to discrimination (which despite the growing legal protection for trans people, is still a significant problem for the majority of trans people, particularly trans women).
It’s that “maybe I wouldn’t have wasted 8 years” that terrifies the social conservatives like Ablow. If kids do it in school, see each other in school, make friends in school, they will see it as normal, and the transmission of bigotry down the generations will come to an abrupt stop.
What’s worse than what Ablow spewed on WTFUXUPNEWS is that he an assistant professor employed by Tufts University and he is on the Tufts-New England Medical Center forensic psychiatric staff. He should lose his license. If Tufts does not fire him, they should lose their Joint Commission accreditation for employing a transgender basher. What is he teaching future psychiatrists, that transgender people do not exist?
I believe that Keith Ablow’s published attack against Chaz Bono violates medical ethics, and that the Board should investigate him and possibly revoke his certification. The APA’s Code of Ethics states (among other things) that a psychiatrist should not provide treatments outside of his areas of competence. Mental health care providers competent to treat patients with gender dysphoria carry out appropriate screening to determine which treatment will likely be best for the patient; a competent provider absolutely would not rule out gender reassignment surgery, et cetera for any and all patients manifesting gender dysphoria. Ablow mentioned treatment proposals that are not recognized in science as acceptable treatments for gender dysphoria. He said, for example, that he would consider recommending “spiritual counseling.” He also said that in addition to his prohibition on many medically accepted treatment approaches, he would rely on “God’s help.” Where are the peer-reviewed studies of the outcomes from “God’s help” being applied to patients with gender dysphoria? Ablow is a popular television personality and author; there is a strong appearance that his column about Chaz Bono is functioning as a sales pitch for his treatment services, directed at ignorant parents of offspring manifesting aspects of gender dysphoria. Ablow is using his fame, his degrees and his certification to message certain parents that they can bring their apparently gender dysphoric offspring to him for treatment and that everything will turn out fine with spiritual counseling and “God’s help.” Ablow’s article constitutes a communication of medical fraud. I want to bring this to the attention of the Board.
The other problem I see with Dr. Ablow is that he has trouble with the English language, specifically with pronouns. A trans person who self-identifies as male should not be addressed or discussed as “she.”
I saw him use both gender pronouns, which makes me wonder whether or not he’s sure about his own gender identity.
Thanks for analyzing Dr. Ablow’s misguided, misinformed, illogical, and dangerous statements. But I was surprised to see you constantly refer to being transgender as a sexual identity. As I’m sure you know, sex, gender, and sexuality are all distinct. Transgender is a gender identity, not a sexual identity. A transgender person may have a “straight,” “gay,” or other (non-binary) sexual identity.
What he means is that kids who *actually are trans*, will slip through the fog of secrecy placed around transsexuality and put a name and a diagnosis to feelings they have had since infancy. He wants a return to the days when it was a hidden horror, not some normal facet of human existence. And I can only reply to him “go to hell”. The cat is very much out of the bag – your simple world of hard-and-fast binary gender is ending, and I won’t mourn it.
I’m not American and have no idea who this guy is but wow, always astounds me that there are people out there with such unhelpful and unfounded views. It’s a shame this guy is getting publicity.
Thank you Dr. John M. Grohol for responding to the misinformed comments from mental health professionals. I am a female to male transgender person who is also a clinician. I am currently a Psychologist Intern as well as a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I wanted to clarify some comments that Dr. Jennifer concluded about trans identified people. It is not true that ALL trans people or LGBT people abuse drugs and alcohol. I have never tried drugs ever in my life and I do not drink. I have never been a victim of incest or rape and I am not psychotic. I think the mental health field is definitely in need of education about the transgender community and identity. Children cannot “catch” gender identity by watching television and watching a gender variant person. Many of the transgender people who have transitioned did not have role models that influenced them to change their identity. By the age of 2 and definitely by the age of 5, most trans people felt gender dysphoria or at least new that they did not adhere to the gender roles that matched their biological gender. I did not catch it from watching t.v. or from an outside influence. Gay people do not experience this either.
Dr. Jennifer’s reaction to gender identity is quite uneducated but I am not surprised considering it is not a topic that is accurately described within the health fields. As a transgender therapist, I have had colleagues, professors, administrators, supervisors, etc. not understand transgender people. Often they are seen as psychotic, borderline, and fragmented by others yet so many are quite successful individuals. It takes a lot of strength to be transgender identified and to transition and it is not a sign of weakness and mental illness. Do trans people have mental health issues? Yes, as it is hard to be so oppressed in this society. Generalizations about someones mental health because of their identity is unprofessional and unethical. It would be completely unethical for me to assume that Dr. Jennifer has a borderline personality disorder simply because she was a victim of a trauma such as incest. It would be absurd. Why are transgender people still one of the only populations where it is okay to publicly demean the entire population and to make uneducated generalizations about their psyches?
As someone who has extensively studied transgender people and is creating a psychological theory of their development, I have found no substantial study that has found that trans people are psychotic, delusional, or have a personality disorder. Instead of worrying about what kids are watching on t.v. worry about what they are learning about intolerance and bigotry. When adults feel uncomfortable about difference they often project this on to “saving our children”. There are many other things that children have to deal with other than Chaz Bono. Look at all the heterosexuals who OVER adhere to gender roles and put their kids in beauty pageants. Yet no one is protesting this. The objectification of our children is okay as long as the boys act like boys and the girls act like girls.
Hi Kellen –
Thank you for opening the line of communication. I shared my history to indicate a glimpse of connection in feeling “out-of-touch” in one’s body, even though everyone’s journey is unique.
I never stated that all transgendered individuals were chemically dependent or abused. My question, rather, was an attempt to spur research as these important questions have been left our of the literature, as you have found on your research as well. And in an article that holds decision points solely to scientific data, I find the absence glaring.
I posted those questions in attempt to open a dialogue, which has seemed less than. I honestly asked about transgender identity out of literal confusion, yet it remains unanswered despite several responses. I am confused that if the identity is internal, why genital change is necessary? I do not understand, then, how Chaz has a vagina but is now a proclaimed man. I am confused that one response indicated I would never know if a person was “trans” on the street, so how, then would that same person be denied a job or a house as was written above if there are no physical indicators of the “trans” status. These statements seem to cancel one another out when the paradigm of logic is applied, so I am truly asking what piece of the puzzle I am missing.
I believe humans are complex and miraculous creatures, and I have never been anything less than kind when treating any of my patients, no matter their gender identification.
You, Kellen, have a unique opportunity to truly change the opinion of another human. You have called me uneducated, yet here I am ready and willing to be a pupil, but so far no insight has been shared in regards to my questions. Maybe it would be better to start with a different subject. Why do people keep writing that it is impossible to “catch” gender identity issues, but yet assert that by my asking questions in a psychological forum I am spreading “bigotry and intolerance?”
Since you indicated a personal history as well as many hours of research, I know you have given these topics more consideration than I have. I am not a bigot or intolerant and I am trying to not be “uneducated” as you say. I look forward to your thoughts.
Jennifer, you state that you are a therapist–or was that a doctor? I’m a little confused about your status, since your comments above do not seem to come from a well-ordered mind.
Let me take a few, one at a time:
“I am confused that if the identity is internal, why genital change is necessary?” Imagine that you personally came down with a horrible disease that changed you physically into a man. Your internal identity is still that of a woman. Are you saying that you would be happy to continue life as a man, and that you would never attempt to return your body to its natural state? Or are you really saying that being transgendered is UNnatural and that therefore those types do not deserve to have a body that matches their internal identity?
“I am confused that one response indicated I would never know if a person was “trans†on the street, so how, then would that same person be denied a job or a house as was written above if there are no physical indicators of the “trans†status.” Actually, most (if not all) transgendered people who present as the other sex have not had hormone treatment from the beginning of puberty. Their bodies have already taken on certain characteristics of their biological sex. While there are many successful transgendered who “pass”, even they have to fill out employment applications with their biological gender until such time as they can have their legal identity rectified. That means that the company knows, even if the employees do not. And believe me, most trans-people cannot pass perfectly. On the job harassment is a real problem.
“Why do people keep writing that it is impossible to ‘catch’ gender identity issues, but yet assert that by my asking questions in a psychological forum I am spreading ‘bigotry and intolerance?'” What does some fantasized possibility of catching GID have to do with spreading bigotry? Why are you linking those two issues? As far as asking honest questions, go for it. But whether asking questions couched in hurtful or condescending language, or stating “fact” that blatantly attacks transgendered people you are most definitely spreading intolerance. Here is just one of those facts you mentioned to Dr. Grohol:
“I hope as Editor-in-Chief, you realize that simply changing the ‘what’ of a problem, never solves ‘why’ the problem occurred in the first place. As medical professionals, our job is to fix the disease, not simply alter the symptom.” You have defined the problem on your terms. Transgendered people are “diseased” and must be cured. I know, you care for all your patients. You just hate the sin. From my end, it just sounds hateful. And in my state, if you voiced that opinion in my workplace, I would take you to Human Resources.
Hi Jennifer
I can’t blame you for not knowing very much in this area – it’s a highly specialised field, and more misinformation than information is passed on in medical schools by those equally lacking in knowledge. Most of the data we have on the neuro-anatomy has only come in in the last 15 years.
Some selected readings on the subject that might help:
Male-to-female transsexuals show sex-atypical hypothalamus activation when smelling odorous steroids. by Berglund et al Cerebral Cortex 2008 18(8):1900-1908;
…the data implicate that transsexuality may be associated with sex-atypical physiological responses in specific hypothalamic circuits, possibly as a consequence of a variant neuronal differentiation.
Male–to–female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in a limbic nucleus. Kruiver et al J Clin Endocrinol Metab (2000) 85:2034–2041
The present findings of somatostatin neuronal sex differences in the BSTc and its sex reversal in the transsexual brain clearly support the paradigm that in transsexuals sexual differentiation of the brain and genitals may go into opposite directions and point to a neurobiological basis of gender identity disorder.
Sexual differentiation of the human brain: relevance for gender identity, transsexualism and sexual orientation. Swaab Gynecol Endocrinol (2004) 19:301–312.
Solid evidence for the importance of postnatal social factors is lacking. In the human brain, structural diferences have been described that seem to be related to gender identity and sexual orientation.
A sex difference in the human brain and its relation to transsexuality. by Zhou et al Nature (1995) 378:68–70.
Our study is the first to show a female brain structure in genetically male transsexuals and supports the hypothesis that gender identity develops as a result of an interaction between the developing brain and sex hormones
A sex difference in the hypothalamic uncinate nucleus: relationship to gender identity. by Garcia-Falgueras et al Brain. 2008 Dec;131(Pt 12):3132-46.
We propose that the sex reversal of the INAH3 in transsexual people is at least partly a marker of an early atypical sexual differentiation of the brain and that the changes in INAH3 and the BSTc may belong to a complex network that may structurally and functionally be related to gender identity.
We can’t do experiments on human children for obvious reasons, but we do have the data from animal experiments, and “nature’s experiments” – Intersex children.
Discordant Sexual Identity in Some Genetic Males with Cloacal Exstrophy Assigned to Female Sex at Birth by Reiner and Gearhart, N Engl J Med. 2004 January 22; 350(4): 333–341.
RESULTS Eight of the 14 subjects assigned to female sex declared themselves male during the course of this study, whereas the 2 raised as males remained male. Subjects could be grouped according to their stated sexual identity. Five subjects were living as females; three were living with unclear sexual identity, although two of the three had declared themselves male; and eight were living as males, six of whom had reassigned themselves to male sex. All 16 subjects had moderate-to-marked interests and attitudes that were considered typical of males. Follow-up ranged from 34 to 98 months.
CONCLUSIONS Routine neonatal assignment of genetic males to female sex because of severe phallic inadequacy can result in unpredictable sexual identification. Clinical interventions in such children should be reexamined in the light of these findings.
Prenatal hormones versus postnatal socialization by parents as determinants of male-typical toy play in girls with congenital adrenal hyperplasia Pasterski VL, Geffner ME, Brain C, Hindmarsh P, Brook C, Hines M Child Dev 76(1):264-78 2005
Data show that increased male-typical toy play by girls with CAH cannot be explained by parental encouragement of male-typical toy play. Although parents encourage sex-appropriate behavior, their encouragement appears to be insufficient to override the interest of girls with CAH in cross-sexed toys.
Although it’s an over-simplification to say “boy brain in mostly girl body” – not all parts of the brain have to be cross-sexed to cause transsexuality, only certain specific areas – that does capture the essence.
As to why anatomically male neuro-anatomy in certain areas inevitably leads to a male gender identity, we can’t be certain. We can observe that that is the case though. Of course the situation is confounded by other conditions that may exhibit one or more of the constellation of symptoms found in “classic transsexuality”, so those not familiar with the subject may mid-diagnose individuals – hence the need under the standards of care for a review by an expert in the area to confirm diagnosis.
Two papers that really encapsulate the issue:
Sexual Hormones and the Brain: An Essential Alliance for Sexual Identity and Sexual Orientation Garcia-Falgueras A, Swaab DF Endocr Dev. 2010;17:22-35
The fetal brain develops during the intrauterine period in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. In this way, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation are programmed or organized into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in extreme cases in trans-sexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no indication that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.
Biased-Interaction Theory of Psychosexual Development: “How Does One Know if One is Male or Female?†M.Diamond Sex Roles (2006) 55:589–600
A theory of gender development is presented that incorporates early biological factors that organize predispositions in temperament and attitudes. With activation of these factors a person interacts in society and comes to identify as male or female. The predispositions establish preferences and aversions the growing child compares with those of others. All individuals compare themselves with others deciding who they are like (same) and with whom are they different. These experiences and interpretations can then be said to determine how one comes to identify as male or female, man or woman. In retrospect, one can say the person has a gendered brain since it is the brain that structures the individual’s basic personality; first with inherent tendencies then with interactions coming from experience.
Put these two together – and the following picture emerges. A hormonal anomaly in foetu leads to cross-sexed neurological development in areas to do with emotional response, body language (Lymbic Nucleus), and often body map (Superior Parietal Lobe).
This atypical neuro-anatomy leads to instincts and behaviours, sense of smell etc that correspond more closely with those who have similar neurology than those with different neurology. Thus the child, through socialisation, realises that they’re of the sex opposite to the one they appear to be, through interaction with their peers and adults.
Chaz thought like other boys, had a male emotional response, a male sense of smell and hearing, male body language, and so on ever since birth, no matter what he looked like. Later he developed a male heterosexual sexual orientation. His SPL is sufficiently masculinised that he felt the same discomfort those men having mammoplasty for gynecamastea suffer.
While 80-90% of “gendered behaviour” has little if anything to do with biology, it’s a social construct, that leaves 10-20% which has a biological basis. This is most obvious in Transsexual and to a lesser extent, Intersex people.
Bravo, Kellen!
Doctor Grohol’s article and your own contribution are much appreciated.
It constantly amazes me how adept the human mind is in pigeon-holing experiences into categories–even without the experience to begin with! “All gays are blah, blah, blah. All trans-people are blah, blah, blah.”
The truth that so many do not want to admit is that gender identity and sexual identity/orientation are not fixed with biological circumstance (what DNA you ended up with) nor are they simple binary data points.
Every individual is unique with multiple personality spectra. Many of us born with XY chromosomes are not wholly male in our identity. Though some of us so profoundly identify with the female sex that any other lifestyle is beyond distasteful, others are “in between” and live their lives coping as best they can.
The fragile protections that some locales “gift” transsexuals are available only for those who wish to fully present, presumably on their way to a complete transition.
Most people are willing to admit that a specific individual might be “somewhat tall”, or “on the blondish side.” They might even go so far as to allow that a bisexual woman might be into girls “almost” as much as guys. But try saying to someone (even an enlightened someone) that you are a little bit trans and watch the cogs go off the axles. “You’re just a CD or TV, you’re not transsexual!”
Nice, neat little boxes. We all make them, but some of us try awfully hard to make everyone and everything fit inside, no matter how nonsensical it becomes.
Hi Steve,
I appreciate you comments, but think we got off-track, and I am interested in your thoughts. I stated I am confused about “gender” because it seems you think that I am “pigeon-holing” people, when they are labeling themselves. I am trying to understand how that is defined. Example: Chaz is now labelled, by personal choice, a man. Yet – Chaz has a vagina. So, then if Chaz is already a “man” why is it necessary to change external genitalia? I read your statement but it seems there is no conclusive criteria needed to label oneself “man” or “woman,” and if there is such scrutiny and discrimination (which I believe to be true, it was Julian who stated I would never be able to recognize a “trans”), what motivates a person to want to live a life full of such turmoil?
My disease comment was an analogy so perhaps I should instead share this from another post . . Anorexics truly believe they are living in a body that is too fat for their identity, but yet we don’t perform liposuction on them. How, then is that different from a person that believes they have the wrong gender, do we not love them enough to help discover the cause of this dysphoria? I wish you well and I thank you for your response – J
Jennifer, since there was no Reply button on your recent post I will reply from my own previous. I will mention only one thing here. Are you seriously considering anorexia nervosa on the same plane as transgenderism? You do understand that the anorexic changes not only body chemistry during her/his starvation but also changes their neuroendocrine system, as well. They literally change their brain chemistry to the point that the anorexic episodes are self-perpetuating. Also, the end result of anorexia if not halted is DEATH. If you are any kind of doctor or therapist you know that. So why are you bringing up that straw horse?
Although the site states that medical experience with transgenderism is “limited,†evidently Johns Hopkins University and other medical schools actually stopped encouraging sex changes decades ago.
“I have witnessed a great deal of damage from sex-reassignment,†wrote Dr. Paul McHugh, University Distinguished Service Professor of Psychiatry at Johns Hopkins, in his 2004 First Things article, “Surgical Sex.â€
“We psychiatrists, I thought, would do better to concentrate on trying to fix their minds and not their genitalia,†McHugh said he eventually concluded of his patients who thought themselves transsexual.
“As for the adults who came to us claiming to have discovered their ‘true’ sexual identity and to have heard about sex-change operations, we psychiatrists have been distracted from studying the causes and natures of their mental misdirections by preparing them for surgery and for a life in the other sex,†he added. “We have wasted scientific and technical resources and damaged our professional credibility by collaborating with madness rather than trying to study, cure, and ultimately prevent it.â€
Quoting McHugh is your idea of being balanced? If you follow his activism, his affiliations, you’ll see he is cut out of the same cloth as Ablow; fighting for a very politicized concept of normalcy that is distinctly right wing. The reason Johns Hopkins no longer performs transsexual surgery? That was pretty much under McHugh’s orders, not because the best minds in the field put their heads together and decided that in their experience it was the patient’s best interest. Guys like Ablow and McHugh practice is a close cousin to “reparative” therapy for gays, all about getting the patient to supress what he/she really feels, pretending the issue has been cured, all in the interest of the status quo, keeping the ‘phobe relatives happy. And when the time bomb finally goes off and their “cured” patient kills his/herself; they’ll be long gone, feeding their simplistic poison to a new batch of suckers.
The fact that Paul McHugh, M.D., Chairman of Psychiatry Emeritus of the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine raises such serious questions about transgender surgery should not be dismissed. Psychiatry and psychology have not settled the issue definitively, by any means. Dr. Grohol’s knee jerk condemnation of my thoughts on the matter and of me personally indicates his own unwillingness to discuss matters rationally and calls into question the entire objectivity and value of psychcentral.com.
The best way to move forward from honest debate is more honest debate, but not in John’s closed and vindictive mind.
I agree there is much to be discussed in a balanced manner. Sadly, when the conversation is begun suggesting someone doesn’t have the right to speak freely about their issues and the challenges they faced (suggesting that people who do so are “celebrating” their life), it doesn’t bode well for something fair and balanced.
I call them as I see them. You said some inflammatory and divisive things in your Fox News article. Instead of taking it as an opportunity to educate, you apparently took it as an opportunity to disparage someone you’ve never seen professionally. (And then apparently took another opportunity to disparage further a professional who called you out on it.) If it ruffles a few feathers, so be it. I won’t censor myself just to assuage someone’s hurt ego.
Dr. Ablow please explain how your comments on fox were an “honest debate” and not just a “knee jerk” condemnation of transition and in turn trans people? I didn’t hear you mention any pros and cons of transition(and yes there is a plethora of literature showing there are pros to transition) so how were you wanting an honest discussion?
Second of all the fact that Dr. McHugh’s raised concerns should be noted, but it should also be noted that there are hundreds of medical professionals who don’t share those concerns and who think transition is an effective treatment. There is also many published studies supporting the idea that transition is effective.
Dr. Paul McHugh, a Catholic layman and active in the Knights of Columbus, was a major influence on Ratzinger and Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. McHugh is an influential conservative Catholic who has long campaigned to “stop sex changes”. He has described women born transsexual as “… caricatures of women”.
McHugh became chairperson of the psychiatric department at Johns Hopkins in 1979. He ordered follow-up evaluations on their former transsexual patients, finding that most of the patients claimed happiness in their target sex.
Nonetheless, department investigators concluded that the patients’ psychological functioning had not sufficiently improved. McHugh concluded that physical reassignment cooperated “. . . with a mental illness†rather than trying for a cure [of the “illnessâ€]. Johns Hopkins closed its clinic and has not performed any SRS surgeries since that time.
McHugh’s conclusions have been widely criticized, with critics noting that the purpose of reassignment is to help transsexual people become happy and content with their bodies. Improvements in psychological functioning is seen as a different issue. The consequences of Hopkins’ qualification policies were not included in the departmental review.
As a consulting psychiatrist to the Vatican in 2000 on sexual matters, Dr. McHugh influenced the declaration that transsexualism is a mental pathology and “doesn’t exist” as a medical condition.
Cardinal Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict XVI) combined his previous declarations that M2F persons are actually male homosexuals with the positions of Paul McHugh and others who were in agreement with him. The result was a justification for applying and strictly enforcing a ban on both transsexual and transgender individuals from holding Church positions.
Dr. Kenneth Zucker, a psychologist and head of the gender-identity service at the Center for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto, disagrees with the “free to be†approach with young children and cross-dressing in public. Over the past 30 years, Dr. Zucker has treated about 500 preadolescent gender-variant children. In his studies, 80 percent grow out of the behavior, but 15 percent to 20 percent continue to be distressed about their gender and may ultimately change their sex.
Dr. Zucker tries to “help these kids be more content in their biological gender†until they are older and can determine their sexual identity — accomplished, he said, by encouraging same-sex friendships and activities like board games that move beyond strict gender roles.
Again to be balanced Dr. Zucker works with children who are “gender-variant.” Primarily he works with boys who are more feminine, which concerns parents, and he also sees some tomboys, although this is rarely seen as worrisome behavior for little girls. Some of these children say they are trans or that they don’t like their gender and want to transition, but majority are just kids who are breaking gender stereotypes. They are little boys who like dresses and the color pink. Or girls who like to be rough and don’t like feminine clothing. But liking dresses and the color pink does not mean these boys want to be girls and being a tomboy doesn’t mean girls want to be boys. So it is not shocking that majority of these children grow out of it.
There is currently a move to close CAHM, run by Kenneth Zucker and others like him who share the same belief that individuals who are gender different can and should be subjected to reparation therapy to alter their deviant behavior.
Time has proven reparative therapist like Zucker has done far more damage to gender different human beings than they have helped. If not for their established academic credentials and mis-guided public funding, this group of individuals would be out of a job. Some of the practices at CHAM is simply criminal, if they were subjected to legal scrutiny, these therapies would be considered a sexual crime.
…and psychological studies show that the majority of those children tend to grow up to be homosexual, not transsexual. So what Zucker is doing is nothing less than pathologizing homosexuality all over again with transsexuality as an excuse. He even admits so in his own words:
[“At this point, I cannot make any statement about how therapy affects later sexual orientation,” Zucker says, clearly choosing his words carefully. “But certainly many parents bring their children to me because they would prefer that they not grow up to be gay.”]
Seen here: http://ai.eecs.umich.edu/people/conway/TS/News/Drop%20the%20Barbie.htm
[The key word in Zucker’s statement here is the word untreated. Zucker acknowledges that G.I.D. boys most commonly turn out to be homosexual adult men, not adult transsexuals. This is in striking contrast to his recent documentary statement that “when one engages in psychotherapy” with children and adolescents with gender dysphoria that one may find that many give up the wish for a sex change and come to an alternative to the “only way I can feel good about myself” is with a sex change.”. It also contradicts his colleague’s description of Zucker’s view that, “Zucker thinks that an important goal of treatment is to help the children accept their birth sex and to avoid becoming transsexual.”]
From the complaint about Zucker here:
So I’m afraid his position isn’t very ‘balancing’, given that it stands in opposition to the APA’s own statements regarding homosexuality and reparative therapy. We also have no statistics for the amount of those children who become gay, last I knew. Much like as is natural, I wager there are far more of them than there are of us.
Christina Nicole has answered Jennifers comments line for line…. I am male to female post op non drinker no drugs no sexual abuse… and my decision to change was not influenced by any outside factors other than a life long feeling that my body and mind did not match… end of story…
Hi Jaimie –
You are correct that Christine responded, but my questions remain because I asked for data, the standard set in the article by Dr. Grohol. He indicated Dr. Ablow’s theory was invalid because there was no “scientific data.” And while there are lots of personal anecdotes, the questions I raised have not been studied or published, at all. ZERO. So if the basis of Dr. Grohol’s argument against Dr. Ablow is lack of evidence–where is his evidence? Why has the shortened life span not been addressed—why would others encourage you to live a shorter life, or at least not study how to lessen the deadly effects of the massive hormone ingestion? Why am I called hateful for wanting to study how to avoid an early death?
BUT – those are side issues. The crux of the debate about this article is if people are influenced by the actions of others. YES. If not, then why have I been directly accused, in this forum, of spreading bigotry and intolerance because I posted questions? Just wondering how written words in a psychological blog are supposedly spreading intolerance and bigotry, but the celebration and testimony encouraging a transgender life on television have absolutely zero effect on those watching? Quite the double standard that nobody can explain away because it is the truth.
“Why has the shortened life span not been addressed—why would others encourage you to live a shorter life, or at least not study how to lessen the deadly effects of the massive hormone ingestion?”
To answer this question, it has been studied. The hormones that transgender people take is not “massive” at least not the current recommended dose. The hormones trans people take are the same hormones at the same dosage that people who lose their gonads take. So just because there is no studies aimed at trans people specifically doesn’t mean there aren’t studies on lets say women who had to get their ovaries removed early in life. Just to list a few of the findings about hormones: not including progesterone reduces risk of breast cancer, it is safer to use estrace over premarin, skin patch hormones reduce the risk of thrombosis and strain on the liver.
Every scrap of data we have on the subject validates that transsexuality is a biological disorder, not a mental illness that can be ‘developed’ by watching Chaz Bono on Dancing with the Stars. Keith Ablow should not comment on topics which he does not have the slightest idea about — his comments are clearly those of a biased layman, not any kind of professional sexologist. I would encourage you to read some Milton Diamond before you give Ablow’s ‘theories’ any credence.
Also, estrogen does not in fact, lead to an earlier death or a shortened life span in a male body. Women live longer on average for good reasons, many of which relate to some of testosterone’s possible ill effects on the body. If you want to make such a claim, at least be accurate and state that it is testosterone use which might lead to such a thing.
On the caveat though, if an individual is happy for the rest of their lives or miserable for a longer (possibly shortened by suicide) span, are you not basically mandating their happiness by opinion by suggesting otherwise? How many other drugs such as cigarettes and alcohol end a person’s life all the faster, and we should be worried only about hormones? Hormones aren’t that bad, as long as you aren’t smoking while you’re taking them.
From journalist John Colapinto:
“McHugh has always reserved special scorn for the practice of sex-change surgery on adult transsexuals. Classifying transsexualism as merely one symptom in a larger complex of personality disorders, McHugh had long believed that psychiatrists should treat such patients with the talking cure, not radical, irreversible surgeries. In a 1992 article in the American Scholar, McHugh lambasted transsexual surgery as ‘the most radical therapy ever encouraged by twentieth century psychiatrists’ and likened its popularity to the once widespread practice of frontal lobotomy.”[1]
From USA Today:
“McHugh is a leading proponent of the notion that the cause is not biological, that transgender people have chosen this path. He halted the university hospital’s practice of performing gender reassignment surgeries in the late 1970s because, he says, a study indicated that postoperative transsexuals were no happier than they were before the operation. “You can live any way you want, but don’t come to us and ask us to give medical resources to this proposal of yours, because we think it’s a social construct and not a condition of nature,” McHugh says. “No one has demonstrated any physical mechanism or physical problem that causes this. The burden of proof is on them to prove that.””[2]
From historian Joanne Meyerowitz:
“In the late 1970s, however, the climate began to change. The first signs were seen at Johns Hopkins, where the chairman of the Psychiatry department, Dr. Joel Elkes, was replaced by Dr. Paul McHugh. McHugh saw SRS as unnecessary mutilation, and set out to kill the program. He assigned Dr. John Meyer to do a long-term follow-up study of 50 transsexuals who underwent SRS at Johns Hopkins. Meyer’s report, issued in 1977, claimed that SRS confers no objective advantage in terms of social rehabilitation for transsexuals. Although the paper was widely criticized as flawed, it led to the October 1979 closing of the Johns Hopkins Gender Identity Clinic.”[3]
From sexologist J. Michael Bailey:
“McHugh objected that clinicians naively accepted transsexual patients’ histories of having been quite feminine, when there was ample evidence in many cases that the histories were false (for example, a married man who presents as conventionally masculine). This objection is often correct, though it has no obvious relevance to the advisability of sex reassignment. Furthermore, and more importantly, McHugh argued that it is simply wrong for physicians to “mutilate” perfectly good organs because the transsexual patient’s troubled mind wants this: “[The focus on surgery] has distracted effort from genuine investigations attempting to find out just what has gone wrong for these people–what has, by their testimony, given them years of torment and psychological distress and prompted them to accept these grim and disfiguring surgical procedures. McHugh’s concerns are worth taking seriously. Consider the case of the man erotically obsessed with having his leg amputated. Would it be advisable or even ethical to remove the leg? And McHugh is correct that interest in sex reassignment medicine has far exceeded interest in changing the minds of transsexual people so they do not want to change their sex. Transsexualism is, after all, a condition of the mind and brain.”[4]
Excerpt from Psychiatric Misadventures by Paul R. McHugh
This interrelationship of cultural antinomianism and a psychiatric misplaced emphasis is seen at its grimmest in the practice known as sex-reassignment surgery. I happen to know about this because Johns Hopkins was one of the places in the United States where this practice was given its start. It was part of my intention, when I arrived in Baltimore in 1975, to help end it.
Not uncommonly, a person comes to the clinic and says something like, “As long as I can remember, I’ve thought I was in the wrong body. True, I’ve married and had a couple of kids, and I’ve had a number of homosexual encounters, but always, in the back and now more often in the front of my mind, there’s this idea that actually I’m more a woman than a man.”
When we ask what he has done about this, the man often says, “I’ve tried dressing like a woman and feel quite comfortable. I’ve eve made myself up and gone out in public. I can get away with it because it’s all so natural to me. I’m here because all this male equipment is disgusting to me. I want medical help to change my body: hormone treatments, silicone implants, surgical amputation of my genitalia, and the construction of a vagina. Will you do it?” The patient claims it is a torture for him to live as a man, especially now that he has read in the newspapers about the possibility of switching surgically to womanhood. Upon examination it is not difficult to identify other mental and personality difficulties in him, but he is primarily disquieted because of his intrusive thoughts that his sex is not a settled issue in his life.
Experts say that “gender identity,” a sense of one’s own maleness or femaleness, is complicated. They believe that it will emerge through the step-like features of most complex developmental processes in which nature and nurture combine. They venture that, although their research on those born with genital and hormonal abnormalities may not apply to a person with normal bodily structures, something must have gone wrong in this patient’s early and formative life to cause him to feel as he does. Why not help him look more like what he says he feels? Our surgeons can do it. What the hell!
The skills of our plastic surgeons, particularly on the genito-urinary system, are impressive. They were obtained, however, not to treat the gender identity problem, but to repair congenital defects, injuries, and the effects of destructive diseases such as cancer in this region of the body.
That you can get something done doesn’t always mean that you should do it. In sex reassignment cases, there are so many problems right at the start. The patient’s claim that this has been a lifelong problem is seldom checked with others who have known him since childhood. It seems so intrusive and untrusting to discuss the problem with others, even though they might provide a better gage of the seriousness of the problem, how it emerged, its fluctuations of intensity over time, and its connection with other experiences. When you discuss what the patient means by “feeling like a woman,” you often get a sex stereotype in return–something that woman physicians note immediately is a male caricature of women’s attitudes and interests. One of our patients, for example, said that, as a woman, he would be more “invested with being than with doing.”
It is not obvious how this patient’s feeling that he is a woman trapped in a man’s body differs from the feeling of a patient with anorexia nervosa that she is obese despite her emaciated, cachectic state. We don’t do liposuction on anorexics. Why amputate the genitals of these poor men? Surely, the fault is in the mind not the member.
Yet, if you justify augmenting breasts for women who feel underendowed, why not do it and more for the man who wants to be a woman? A plastic surgeon at Johns Hopkins provided the voice of reality for me on this matter based on his practice and his natural awe at the mystery of the body. One day while we were talking about it, he said to me: “Imagine what it’s like to get up at dawn and think about spending the day slashing with a knife at perfectly well-formed organs, because you psychiatrists do not understand what is the problem here but hope surgery may do the poor wretch some good.”
The zeal for this sex-change surgery–perhaps, with the exception of frontal lobotomy, the most radical therapy ever encouraged by twentieth century psychiatrists–did not derive from critical reasoning or thoughtful assessments. These were so faulty that no one holds them up anymore as standards for launching any therapeutic exercise, let alone one so irretrievable as a sex-change operation. The energy came from the fashions of the seventies that invaded the clinic–if you can do it and he wants it, why not do it? It was all tied up with the spirit of doing your thing, following your bliss, an aesthetic that sees diversity as everything and can accept any idea, including that of permanent sex change, as interesting and that views resistance to such ideas as uptight if not oppressive. Moral matters should have some salience here. These include the waste of human resources; the confusions imposed on society where these men/women insist on acceptance, even in athletic competition, with women; the encouragement of the “illusion of technique,” which assumes that the body is like a suit of clothes to be hemmed and stitched to style; and, finally, the ghastliness of the mutilated anatomy. But lay these strong moral objections aside and consider only that this surgical practice has distracted effort from genuine investigations attempting to find out just what has gone wrong for these people–what has, by their testimony, given them years of torment and psychological distress and prompted them to accept these grim and disfiguring surgical procedures.
We need to know how to prevent such sadness, indeed horror. We have to learn how to manage this condition as a mental disorder when we fail to prevent it. If it depends on child rearing, then let’s hear about its inner dynamics so that parents can be taught to guide their children properly. If it is an aspect of confusion tied to homosexuality, we need to understand its nature and exactly how to manage it as a manifestation of serious mental disorder among homosexual individuals. But instead of attempting to learn enough to accomplish these worthy goals, psychiatrists collaborated in a exercise of folly with distressed people during a time when “do your own thing” had something akin to the force of a command. As physicians, psychiatrists, when they give in to this, abandon the role of protecting patients from their symptoms and become little more than technicians working on behalf of a cultural force. [5]
The Excerpt from Psychiatric Misadventures by Dr. Paul R. McHugh, posted above, is the most fascinating piece I’ve ever read.
I’m just a regular woman that has never experienced any sexual identity issues, but I must say that it would benefit everyone posting here to read the above entry.
No it wouldn’t, because evidence since has shown that McHugh had no idea what he was talking about.
He states right from the beginning that, “It was part of my intention, when I arrived in Baltimore in 1975, to help end it.” That is because he demonstrably perceived transsexuality and homosexuality to be one and the same, and his Catholic religious beliefs greatly conflicted with his professional conduct. This kind of bias on the part of a professional helps nobody.
We can now see that transsexuality is biological. Repeat studies have shown that the brains of transsexuals back up being another sex internally.
A wealth of additional studies have also demonstrated that SRS works and has a high satisfaction rate for transsexual individuals, far more studies than McHugh’s individual voice can drown out with such ravings. The reason this treatment has continued is because it works.
Well said, John.
I was saddened by this piece, but thrilled that you addressed the issue. Your well-articulated, reasoned article presented an incredibly important perspective. I’m so proud of Psych Central, and even more proud to be associated with this wonderful resource – a sane voice in the wilderness. Now, that’s saying something!
Fellow Blogger, ADHD from A to Zoë, Psych Central
Okay, as someone who identifies as Trans (Pre op not post), I felt semi-obligated to post a comment here. I’ve never watched Dancing with the Stars, am not a fan of Fox News, and had no idea who Chaz Bono was until I read this article. So, this opinion is coming from an unbiased source. I have no experience with either side and therefore, do not care to take sides.
I just feel it necessary to say this – as someone who has tried to seek therapy for my gender identity “problems”. (I no longer see them as problems, frankly… if I want to identify as a gender other than the one I was born as, that’s no one’s business but my own) I have spoken to a counsellor about it and mentioned in here and there to the psychiatrist I spoke to for about three years. Neither of them seemed all concerned about it. Maybe it was because of my age at the time (I was still a minor) and they assumed it was just me trying to discover my sexuality, I don’t know. Whatever the case, therapy did not help. I find it bold to suggest that it could. And even if it could, I’m at a point where I would not even want to try it. Why would I want to get rid of who I am just because someone else thinks that who I am is “ill”?
The thing about my gender identity is that it is not why I suffer depression. Many people would like to assume it is, but that would be asinine of them. I have suffered depression from a young age. My first depressive episode was in fifth grade and as you can imagine, I was too young to even know what transgendered was. There are many things that trigger my depression. My gender – contrary to popular believe – is NOT one of them. Just as my best friend is happy being bi-sexual, I am happy being quite “gender neutral”.
Also, no, I have never done drugs. Ever. I was, also, never sexually assaulted. Those assumptions to me are strikingly similar to the assumptions once (and sometimes still) made about the gay community. I did not have a good childhood. I will not deny that. But I was NEVER sexually assaulted in any way by anyone. I, also, did not grow up around a “houseful of men” like many people would want you to believe. In fact, my brother was the only “born” boy in our family.
To automatically assume all transsexuals/transgender individuals are depressed or addicted to drugs or have suffered sexual assault of some sort is stereotyping. The fact of the matter is, it simply isn’t always so. Maybe I’m not a prime example since I have been diagnosed with depression – but once again, my depression is not a direct cause of it and I would laugh if someone suggested it was because I’m quite content being in the transgender community. Many of them are really nice people and an online community for us is one of the only places I feel comfortable online save for communities like the one here. In fact, being a part of that community has, at times, eased the depression.
Am I happy in my “birth” body? Not always. Do I spend excessive amounts of time worrying about it? Yes. But frankly, my overly large nose makes me feel worse. I feel like that’s the first thing people notice about me. My stupid nose. Would I ever get a sex change operation? I’m not sure. But frankly, if I decided to, it would be a personal decision for ME to make. Not one I would make with a professional (no disrespect intended to any of the professionals here that agree with Dr. Ablow). Fact of the matter is, my depression is something that needs curing, my gender identity is not. If I can accept that, why can’t everyone else?
Almost every single one of the above comments (particularly, the comments from those with professional qualifications) entirely miss the main point of Dr. Grohol’s excellent article. The essence of the Grohol article is to the effect that watching a television show with a transgender participant is by no means going to affect child or adolescent viewers still developing their own sexuality. The issue to be explored and debated here is to what extent (if at all) young people’s sexual identity and activity will be affected by what they read, hear or see whether in the media, in computer games or in school. Dr. Grohol’s position (as I understand it) is simply that young people watching Chaz Bono in Dancing With the Stars are not in some evil, twisted manner going to be sucked into an “abnormal” lifestyle.
Dr. Grohol may well have made a few, cursory, offhand comments about the transgender controversy. That’s simply not the main focus of the article. What he did say (that I could hear) was simply that children and adolescents will not be injured by watching a dancing show with a transgendered participant. For the above commenters to have tried to insert the whole transgender controversy into Grohol’s piece is merely a sign of how off-balance they themselves are on this issue.
If we are immune to influence through the television, why are millions of dollars spent each day by advertisers to influence us? Do the commercials occur strictly in a vacuum? Hmmm. . .
If we were TOTALLY permeable to TV influence, with the amount of violence in it we should most of us become criminals. But that does not happen.
On the other hand, commercial advertising is TARGETED to elicit certain feelings and emotions in the viewers, so it is a “guided” messasge.
I seriously doubt Chaz Bono’s appearances in that dancing show would have the same “guided” quality to it. Anyway, I won’t watch that show because I do not like it.
For all the people that say there needs to be an “Honest debate” lets bring some STUDIES into the discussion not just the opinions of a few biased professionals. I don’t have have time to do a proper citation for the article but to name just a couple of studies that show the effectiveness of transition:
– Sex Reassignment Surgery: A Study of 141 Dutch Transsexuals Bram by Kuiper & Cohen-Kettenis. From the article “it is concluded that there is no reason to doubt the therapeutic
effect of sex reassignment surgery.”
– Sex Reassignment of Adolescent Transsexuals: A Follow-up Study by Cohen-Kettenis & van Goozen.
– The outcome of sex reassignment surgery in Belgrade: 32 patients of both sexes by Rakic, Vladan Starcevic & Jovan Maric; Katarina Kelin. “In most transsexuals, the quality of life was improved after surgery”
-Transgender patient satisfaction following reduction mammaplasty by Nelson L, Whallett EJ, McGregor JC. “All respondents expressed satisfaction with their result and no regret”
-Female-to-male transgender quality of life by Emily Newfield1, Stacey Hart, Suzanne Dibble & Lori Kohler. “Providing this community with the hormonal care they request is associated with improved quality of life.”
– Quality of life of individuals with and without facial feminization surgery or gender reassignment surgery by Tiffiny A. Ainsworth and Jeffrey H. Spiegel. “Transwomen have diminished mental health-related quality of life compared with the general female population. However, surgical treatments (e.g. FFS, GRS, or both) are associated with improved mental health-related quality of life. ”
Please lets stop hiding behind bigotry and calling it an honest debate. Transition is an effective treatment and to deny this shows that it is bigotry talking and not an honest discussion.
Has this show ever had a homosexual couple?
Never watched nor paid attention to whom was participating in the tabloid garbage that covers it.
This is why I wouldn’t let children watch Fox on Cable. And why I won’t watch it.
Dr. Paul McHugh belonged to a clan at Johns Hopkins Medical center that included Dr. John Money. This group shared a belief and theory that gender identity is flexible and not fixed at birth. It should be noted that Dr. John Money performed a famous gender experiment on David Reimer aka John & Joan Story.
Dr. John Money made his fame and fortune based on this failed experiment. This was all part of early research into gender at John Hopkins which included individuals like Dr. Paul McHugh who set the academic standards on gender in academia. They are others who follow in this mis-guided and now proven incorrect theories on gender identity.
This is a map of how these academics are incestuously connected:
David Reimer committed suicide in as a result of Dr, John Money’s failed experiment.
It should be noted that Dr. Paul McHugh advises the Vadican on sexual matters.. due to his theories and beliefs fits with the Vatican’s ideology on sexual matters. The Vatican uses Dr. Paul McHugh academic credentials to substantiate their political and religious agenda.. in the same way Faux News uses Dr. Ablow’s academic credentials to substantiate their political agenda and propaganda. These individuals including Dr. Ablow are mere tools in the hands of individuals with a deeper social and political agenda.
This entire group of academics has caused enormous suffering and damage to individuals who are born transgender or intersex to this day.
This entire group of psychology academics can only theorize on superficial observations related to gender identity. Other researchers like Eric Vilain Phd. http://faculty.neuroscience.ucla.edu/institution/personnel?personnel_id=9435
in the areas of endocrinology and DNA is proving gender identity is genetic and bio-chemical. Brain researchers like Professor Vilayanur S. Ramachandran Ramachandran and Paul D. McGeoch are proving that transsexual brains have a different brain map than cisgendered individuals:
It is extremely difficult for anyone who is NOT transgender to understand what life is like being born this way. There is a growing body of hard scientific evidence and facts that points to gender identity being genetic, and bio-chemically hard wired into the human brain before and at birth.
Now one is allowed to choose how they are born, but any individual can come to a greater understanding of who they really are and not what society, culture and other external influences expects them to be. This is one of the core elements to understanding this topic of gender identity and sexual orientation.. Sexual orientation is not related or the same as gender identity.
Much of anti-transgender and anti-homosexuality ideology is based on and driven by fear of individuals who are different than themselves. Nature is extremely diverse, this diversity extends well into the human condition. To believe every human being is binary male_female, masculine_feminine is blind to the harsh reality of the human condition as nature intended it to be.
“Truth is the agreement between knowledge and its object.” — Immanuel Kant
How is it that a person who cannot reconcile their mind with their body not “ill” by definition?
The irony in watching the psychiatry/psychology profession allow its ability to reason be infected by politically correct rhetoric is quite disturbing.
Transsexuality could be considered a neurological disorder, but it’s not an illness in the same fashion that autism is not an illness. To call transsexuality a ‘mental illness’ is to gravely misunderstand the most likely cause, a cause that is naturally sourced in an individual’s biology before birth.
“It is extremely difficult for anyone who is NOT transgender to understand what life is like being born this way. There is a growing body of hard scientific evidence and facts that points to gender identity being genetic, and bio-chemically hard wired into the human brain before and at birth.”
Thank you, RP. Those of you bending over backwards with outdated and biased research, bending over backwards to ignore the vast majority of people born transsexual and transgender who have gone on to live happy, emotionally balanced lives after facing and dealing with their condition, bending over backwards to assert that I, and those like me need “help” with our “illness”, Thank you, but please go away. You’re making this about you, your feelings, your discomfort. Living in a society where gender rules are strictly enforced and re-enforced, where one is punished in so many ways for straying from expected gender norms cannot be overstated. I knew when I was 3. Not “felt”. Not “thought”. Knew. And the only confusion I experienced was the certainty that the way I was wasn’t acceptable. Even at the age of 5, I knew this. So what does a girl in a males’ body at the age of 5 in 1964 do? She buries. She hides. She spends the next 4 decades redoubling her efforts to be what she looks like. She chases normal with a passion. until failure after failure, and finally a breakdown force her hand. I fought this every step of the way. I sought counseling. I tried to get rid of the certainty. I tried to rid myself of it, in so many ways, because of YOU. Because you told me it was the right thing to do.
Whether one is genderqueer, transgender, or a “true” transsexual seeking gender confirmation surgery hardly matters here, except to those of us who know what we need. There are variations in the human condition. They have been around forever. You can call them that, mutations, natural selection, or anything else. That they don’t fit perfectly with the artificial roles and assumptions we have shackled ourselves with regarding one’s gender doesn’t make them any less real, or less valid physical conditions. Whether a little girl has exceptional masculine traits, or a little boy has exceptional feminine traits are irrelevant when it comes to transgenderism. Clothing has zero to do with whether or not one is born, physically, not the gender he or she appears to be. All of you are chasing red herrings, looking desperately for something that will take a condition that has occurred and re-occurred since humans have existed, and is only now becoming somewhat acceptable to face, and stuff it back in it’s bottle, so YOU don’t have to deal with it, except with assumptions and condescending bigotry disguised as empathy about “helping” someone who is “distressed”. Spare me, please. This isn’t about you. When will you even try to understand this?
Dr. Ablow is what many of us trans people refer to as transphobic. He may be a psychiatrist, but as I have discovered over the years, most of the psychiatrists I have dealt with are crazy than I am.
Only when people are informed about transgender issues will they understand and accept others who are different than themselves. I have found that people who accept others for who they are tend to be more intelligent and open to changes in our society. For those individuals that cannot accept people like myself, well it is their loss.
Having been a social worker/child welfare/mental health for 30 years, I KNOW at least half of the 100s of psychiatrists I’ve dealt with over the years need their own psychiatrist. I’m good at what I do, and the primary reason I am is that when I sit down with a client, I’m sitting with them and not all the “stuff” I’ve learned… Empathy it’s called… one human being to another. It’s true… Variety is the spice of life…
The real question for Dr. Ablow and others that share this point of belief and idealogy, how did you CHOOSE your gender identity and sexual orientation. How do you know for fact your gender identity and sexual orientation matches your physical body?
If these basic aspects of an individual’s personality are CHOSEN, answer the question of how this choice was made?
Dr. Grohol,
I found your comments about Dr. Ablow rather petty, and then you don’t even ask a fellow colleague for a comment on a piece that you were about to rip to shreds. That in itself seems rather unprofessional.
When I read Dr. Ablow’s article, I seen a doctor speaking out of concern. Not someone who is attacking, or wanting to hurt someone. But a doctor so concerned about what DWT is trying to do..Television does influence kids, whether or not you want to admit it or not. Some times good, and some times bad. It would be a bit different if DWT didn’t play this up so people with watch.
You said you expected something more from Dr. Ablow. Here he is concerned enough about children getting the wrong message, concerned enough about Chaz Bono living in a delusional state, that he shouted from the mountain top, that everyone needs to stop feeding the delusions, and lets get her help. He was willing to stand up, and say, I believe she need serious help. Please, lets help her. What more could you want?
Instead of going to him, and talking with him about your concerns, you attack him, and call him vulgar? It seems like you need to take a good long look at yourself, as to why, you choose to attack him in such a public way.
Elizabeth – While turning this onto my criticism is a nice way of deflecting the argument and trying to focus on something other than Dr. Ablow’s vulgar comments, in my opinion, it kind of misses the point. I have no obligation or debt to pay to Dr. Ablow to run my articles by him before I publish them. As a citizen of the U.S., that is one of the freedoms we enjoy here — to speak our mind without censorship or filters. Especially on my own website!
I understand what our freedoms are very well, and I haven’t missed the point at all. I disagree with your analogy on Dr.Ablows article. Instead of attacking, and calling his article vulgar..etc..and then kind of scolding him, by saying you expected more from him, as though you were his parent. It would have been nice to see two professionals sit down, and “talk” first. And then if a conversation about such a serious issue couldn’t be done, then write the article. You two are in the same town, a small town, not New York, or LA. I’m so tired of people lashing at each other, instead of doing the the kind act first. I don’t know you, and I don’t know your reasons for the Title, but it in itself, says, you are a foe of his, instead of a caring colleague disagreeing. Such a serious issue does deserve careful attention to details. Inflaming causes people to miss the point, and notice that it’s just another attacking to attack in a sensational way. Certainly you can see that……. If you’ve ever heard Cher, or Chaz in interviews, they both agree her childhood was a very painful one, for many many reasons. Chaz is someone hurting, and deserves people to really care about what is happening inside of her. All the pettiness just adds to the pain, and confusion.
Elizabeth — Thank you for sharing how you would’ve reacted. If you go back to the beginning of the comments, you’ll see how I already acknowledged the value of trying to get a comment from Dr. Ablow first.
As a young child my parents were busy raising a family and we did not communcate well. I did wonder at times. I’m thankfull that I did not choose it was not as open or talked about. I do agree this should not be shown parents are busy and we do have a lot more disfunctional families. Whom do not need to deal with this problem showing this is a normal life. MRS. Bruno…
Just want to point out that transgender is an amazingly flexible term which can include just about anyone depending on who is doing the looking. For instance if you are of a culture that doesn’t believe women should wear pants, then those women who are wearing pants are transgressing the norms of that culture, as such are transgender. I just think it important when discussing and or educating, especially educating, that proper language be used since many uninformed are not aware of the many different community members that live under the TG umbrella. In this case we are speaking about people born with a condition long ago medically labeled as transsexualism. I say born as was already shared there have been some brain dissections done and we also know that during therapy most if not all report being at odds with their body/how they were referred to at an extreme early age.
By the way I’ve met Zucker a few years ago and based on my meeting with him then, the hidden experiments not shared with, but hidden from, parents (much like Money did), his hand out check list for parents and teachers and the many years working with children and children with exceptional needs I find him to be self centred and very much self-aggrandizing. I’d never send my child to him nor recommend him to someone seeking support for their child or youth.
I really don’t agree with the statement that was made by Dr. Keith Ablow, that it should have not been allowed for a kid to watch a show the featured a known Transgender. When I was born I always knew that I was different, but I didn’t know what I was. Tried the gay scene, because thats’ what kids called me in school for years. After I tried the gay scene, that was not who I was. For years I was trying to figure out who am I. Then one day I was sitting home while the TV was on; there was this lady on a talk show who was describing things that she felt and what she was going through. Well this interview caught my attention quickly, she was actually explaining things that I felt that I was. A Transgender that is how I found out the proper term, it was like a huge 10,000 tons had been lifted from my shoulders to actually find out, that other people feel as I do and that I am not alone in this by far. That was in 1992-92, Is when I started watching Talk shows that had the educational featuring Transgender.
So you see, it was very beneficial to watch programs, it help me find out that there was name for what I was going through. Kids these days and time don’t have to watch TV to find out about Transgender and other subjects thses days and times. I would by far like to see kids learning about different ways of life in an educational way, rather than seeing all people in public showing sex acts and witnessing all this drug deals and other dreadful things going on in society today. I have seen kids 12 years old selling drugs in my old home town which is very sad. A Transgender person is just someone who is being themselves and deserves the rights as everyone else to live there life without being degraded.
Why not pair Chaz Bono with Candace Gingrich? They’d have something to talk about between dances.
I will just post two updates here. The first is another rebuttal from another doctor (I wonder if Dr. Jack Drescher ran his article by Dr. Ablow before publishing it?):
And in a followup interview on the Howard Stern show, Dr. Ablow apparently compares people who are transgendered as similar to someone pretending to be a farm animal:
Again, no comment needed. His words speak for themselves.
Dr. Grohol,
Earlier in this thread I posted the following:
“Truth is the agreement between knowledge and its object.†— Immanuel Kant
How is it that a person who cannot reconcile their mind with their body not “ill†(or affected) by definition?
It appears to me that our need to be compassionate, accepting and politically correct is muddling up the reasoning process here. It’s as if in our desire to be compassionate the medical/psychological professions have forced themselves to accept a counter-factual premise; i.e. that the inability of a mind to accept its own body is perfectly normal and acceptable.
Your thoughts?
Bob — Identity is not contained only in the body and our outward appearance, it’s very much in the mind as well. I accept the premise that people who undergo transgendered procedures are doing so to find peace and balance in their self-identity. Who are we to judge or say it’s “wrong” if they do so, in part, through changing their physical appearance? How does this impact anybody’s life other than the person who is doing it?
Hi Bob.
That idea seems to be based on the premise that a transsexual’s “real” sex is the one they appeared to be at birth.
There’s a lot to be said for that idea.
Observation of genitalia, chromosomes and so on indicate that only about 1 in 10 people who are apparently transsexual are clinically Intersex, though many more have bodily anomalies indicating incomplete somatic masculinisation or feminisation, 2 or 3 Standard Deviations from the mean. “Normal”, but tail-end.
Observations using MRI and PET scans and in autopsies show neurological anomalies, “cross-sexed” neuro-anatomy in some areas though. Not in others, which is where it gets interesting, but “male brain in otherwise mostly female body”, while a gross over-simplification, captures the essence.
It gets down to how do we define someone’s “real” sex. In 59 people out of 60, that’s easy, everything matches, neuro-anatomy, genitalia, chromosomes, somatic appearance, endocrinology… but for 1 in 60, there’s some difference from the standard.
Consider the case of a girl who has 5ARD, and whose body is starting to masculinise rather than feminise at puberty. Her identity, her sense of self, is female, and the change for her is a nightmare. See RE: SALLY (SPECIAL MEDICAL PROCEDURE) [2010] FamCA 237 for just such a situation, this isn’t a “hypothetical”, we’re talking about real people here.
Now consider an identical case, where the gender identity is male, and the masculinisation cures the observable symptoms of Transsexuality.
Gender change in 46,XY persons with 5alpha-reductase-2 deficiency and 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-3 deficiency. Cohen-Kettenis PT. Arch Sex Behav. 2005 Aug;34(4):399-410.
for a discussion on this issue.
Determining someone’s “real” sex under such circumstances isn’t a matter of political correctness or acceptance, it’s a matter of arbitrary definition. Do we arrogantly insist that a girl has no right to get treatment to reverse the masculinisation, or do we equally arrogantly insist that boys get surgery so they continue to have the appearance they had at birth? For we have to do one or the other if we insist that we know their “real” sex, and that their “gender identity” is delusion as Dr Abel maintains.
Or do we go with what the patient wants, and either let things happen or not, depending on their personal narrative, backed up by findings of transsexual cross-sexed neurology in both animal experiments and (to the extent possible consistent with medical ethics) in humans?
If so.. then how and why should we distinguish such cases from those not involving a natural somatic change? Cases where therapeutic intervention to change the body has a 98% cure rate, and all other interventions 0%?
Sex Reassignment. Thirty Years of International Follow-up Studies After Sex Reassignment Surgery: A Comprehensive Review 1961-1991 Friedemann Pfäfflin, Astrid Junge
Dr Abel and others have expressed opinions with no scientific evidence to back them up, based on ideology or religious belief. In many cases, they’ve made statements that are provable false, factually incorrect, not matters of “opinion” at all. “Sex is determined by DNA, XY is male, XX is female, end of story”. “Transsexuality doesn’t exist”. “Transsexuals are Delusional”. The latter is particularly egregious coming from a psychiatric professional, who should know that transsexuality matches neither the clinical definitions of “psychosis” or “delusion”, and this is spelt out explicitly in standard texts.
I better give a disclaimer here – like “Sally”, I have a screwed-up endocrine system. Apparently the non-SW form of 3BHDD, which causes CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia). In 1985 I was diagnosed as an undervirilised male. In 2005, after the change, re-diagnosed as with severe androgenisation of a non-pregnant woman. My “gender identity” throughout was female, but I believed that my own feelings were untrustworthy, that the objective evidence before 2005 was that my “real sex” was male. No matter how I felt. So I tried to do the “boy act”, with mixed success, as do all transsexual women.
The relief was indescribable when things normalised. Not completely – I no more look “normally female” now than I looked “normally male” before. But enough so that I don’t have gender dysphoria.
Since you claim to know my “real” sex, perhaps you could tell me what you think that is? As I said, these are not hypothetical situations.
this is hilarious. you liberals swear its not a slippery slope, but here we are in 2016 with squirrelkin and 800 other genders. apologize.