To all of our Psych Central readers, I wish you a very Happy New Year!
I hope 2013 is a good year for you, your family and your friends. I hope the universe makes some of your dreams come true this year, and that you’re successful in overcoming some of your own challenges.
And may your year be full of the things that bring you happiness in your life — whether it be family, success, a new job, relief from pain, or some combination of all of the above.
We here at Psych Central wish you a very prosperous one in whatever you do.
And if you need a little help with your resolutions or making the most of your New Year, please check out our annual New Year’s Guide. Here are a few of our latest blog entries from across the Psych Central Blog Network to help you with your resolutions this year…
Start the New Year with Possibility Thinking and a Mindset of Success
(Neuroscience and Relationships) – It’s that time of year again to start anew, to re-energize your life and to access your brain’s capacity for possibility thinking and energizing momentum for success and happiness in the coming year.
Gratitude Day 2012
(The Emotionally Sensitive Person) – Researchers in positive psychology tell us that we are more content when we savor the positive that happens in our lives. But focusing on the positive isn’t natural for many people.
How to Create Meaningful Resolutions as a Couple
(World of Psychology) – As a couple, you might be interested in creating New Year’s resolutions to improve your relationship. But you might be stumped about where to start — especially since resolutions tend to get a bad rap.
New Year’s Resolutions 101
(Therapy That Works) – Â New Year’s resolutions: We have all set them and we have all broken them. Whether it is to lose weight, stop smoking, or spend more quality time with our loved ones, New Year’s resolutions involve behavior change. Achieving and maintaining change can be challenging.
5 Tips to Blow Up Your Old Expectations & Move Forward
(World of Psychology) – A client shared his frustration over not achieving more in his life, all those things he thought he would have done by now. I suggested that his struggle with low self-esteem would be helped if he stopped comparing himself to others.
Higher Powered Resolutions: promises we can keep!
(Couples in Recovery) – Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions: I’ll lose weight. I’ll stop smoking. I’ll spend more time with my partner or my children.
Equine Therapy: A New Years Challenge
(Equine Therapy) – For most people, New Years is about Resolutions. It is at this time that we take an inventory of the year past and begin to make determinations about where we would like to go and what we would like to accomplish in the next year.
7 New Strategies for Happiness in the New Year
(Character Strengths) – Just in time for 2013! Looking for a New Year’s resolution? Feeling a holiday lull? Wanting to increase your happiness? New research from the science of positive psychology has found a number of practical exercises you can do to boost your happiness and decrease your depression.