Back in March, I reported on a study by Timothy Jay describing how and why humans swear. As a researcher studying swearing for 35 years, Jay had some interesting insights. Now add one more reason to the list — we swear not merely as a reaction to pain, but because it can actually reduce our sense of pain.
The new finding comes from research that tested the hypothesis with a bunch (67) of college students and some ice cold water. Students were given a choice when they plunged their warm hands into the freezing water — chant a neutral word, or repeat a swear word instead.
Those students who chose to swear reported less subjective pain than the neutral word chanters, and could endure the icy cold water with their hands for about 40 seconds longer on average.
Some researcher speculate into the reasons why swearing might work to lesson pain. Swearing appears to come from structures deep within the brain, like the amygdala which is home to the fight or flight response. When faced with something that threatens us, humans — like animals — have a choice: fight it or run away from it. In either case, when this response is triggered, our heart rate climbs, preparing our body for the action it needs to take. It also appears that our sensitivity to pain during this response is also lessened.
It could also be the case that the students’ responses were an example of psychological conditioning from years of normal child development. When you’re a child and you hurt yourself, your immediate reaction is to cry to express your pain. This could bring about some sort of emotional relief (through a consoling parent, for instance), but it also often results in no particular emotional or physical relief from the pain. And yet, somehow it seems to make us feel better.
As we age and mature however, we learn to express our pain in other ways — through swearing, for instance. After we cry or swear, we expect to feel better, so we do.
The pain response didn’t work for the male college students who had a tendency to catastrophize their pain, however. For instance, men who think it will be the most painful experience ever to dunk their hand into an icy cold bucket of water will find little relief from swearing.
Swear words lose their effect, however, if we use them too often or they no longer carry any particularly emotionality to them. That’s why a swear word used by someone who swears all the time almost seems like casual conversation to them — because it is. Someone who rarely uses the same word, however, could quickly become offended by the very same word.
In either case, this adds another explanation as to why people swear — because it brings them a temporary sense of pain relief.
And it’s cheaper than aspirin.
Stephens, R., Atkins, J., Kingston, A. (2009). Swearing as a response to pain. NeuroReport. 20(12):1056-1060. DOI: 10.1097/WNR.0b013e32832e64b1
I have always been interested in the use of swearing. Specifically, I had questioned why some people do it as often as incorporating it into their general conversations and others rarely swear, but during a harsh experience they end up initiating a swear chant.
I prefer not to use swear words so I’ve resorted to replacing the swear words with a random neutral word such as fudge ๐ and it kinda releases some pain as well so I think swearing also has something to do with the development or presence of an individual’s own attitude towards a word
This is what comes to my mind. After I had a c-section with my second son, I remember moaning a lot, and verbalizing almost constantly about being in pain, or how much it hurt.
Then came the nurse and she told me to ‘stop it’, and that it wasn’t that bad, or something. (she wanted me to stop for reasons of taking on a better attitude, I think)
And I remember saying to her, that it really helped a lot to moan and say that it hurt, and that was why I was doing it, and not because I was complaining or because it was unbearable or because I wanted more morphine. It just really helped.
I recall the nurse not being impressed, but I sort of was about my own insight.
So now what I usually do, and since I realize even someone like a doctor or nurse feels threatened when you tell them you are in pain, and that this means you want them to do something, or more, I explain that I am only telling them this for the purpose of information, and to let them know, and not because I want them to do something differently, or more, or less. (The first and the second example are not exactly the same, I know, but both are true.)
So, my point is that I am not sure it’s the swearing, or more the external expression.
Like, with my kids, whenever they hurt themselves and came running crying, I would hug them and take their pain very seriously. As a result, they were satisfied, happy and done within a minute and no longer interested in whatever had brought them to me. It’s like they go enough, or more than they needed and it paid off. It did not turn them into whiners, and I am not threatened by their expression of pain, either. The more and the sooner it gets validated, the faster it’s gone and out of the system. And yet, damn therapeutic as well.
Like with PTSD, it’s one thing what happened and another huge matter how and in what manner people respond to you. I think it is rather the difference between acute, and complex PTSD. And the response is the biggest part of the healing vs. not healing, or making it worse.
it appears to me as if it only reduces pain because it allows the person to express his emotions (not exactly a sort of expressive therapy) but anything that helps the person get rid of supressed emotions can make him feel better, though am sure there are side effects for swearing
Listen up swearing is evil and cruel.
use proper words to relave stress.
I swear to release frustration and anger. It’s much cheaper than therapy. Other times, the offensive nature of the event calls for swearing.
Swearing can reveal a lack of imagination at times, however, intolerance for swearing suggests a lack of tolerance for being offended.
Being offended is good for us.
Shit, yeah. I curse a frickin lot and I love it.
I find it hard to believe in the validity of an experiment when the article reporting on it is written so poorly. Include some proper grammar, spelling, and general English article structure next time please.
Interesting article, the logic fits in well with what happens. I think that swearing also reduces psychological pain.
Unfortunately, I find that I swear a lot when I argue with my wife even though I don’t want to but keep finding myself doing so.