The other week, one of our nonprofit partners, The International Foundation for Research and Education (iFred) announced the winner of their Field for Hope content — the Kristin Brooks Hope Center. The Kristin Brooks Hope Center was the first to organize a national suicide helpline in 1998.
It has since moved on to other important projects in suicide awareness, prevention and education, including the announcement of YES-IMALIVE – 877-YOUTHLINE. This is “the first teen to teen peer counseling hotline to be launched in the US in the last 20 years.” They also run the virtual crisis center and 13 national programs that make up the National Hopeline Network.
iFred’s goal for its “Field for Hope” campaign was to plant one million sunflowers around the world in fields of Liberia, Kenya, Nepal, Australia, Germany and the United States to open up discussions about depression in a positive way.