A colleague challenged me the other day while we were waiting for the elevator about the value of meditation. She gave me a very hard time.
“I don’t understand why you positive psychologists get your undies in a bunch about meditation,” she said, “I tried it and I think it is the stupidest thing in the world. Stop your mind — and breathe.”
“Well,” I began, “it really isn’t just about trying to stop your mind. Often it is about breathing, but I really think if you believe it is stupid it probably isn’t going to work.”
“See — you have an answer for everything. So if I think it is going to be stupid, then it is going to be stupid. You always put it back on the person. If meditation is going to work, why do I have to believe in it? Why doesn’t it just work?”
“How often have you tried to meditate?” I asked, trying to keep from responding.