We want to look good but can’t always afford designer-name sunglasses. So what do some of us do? We buy a cheap knockoff or “gray market” item that looks just like the designer brand name, without the designer price. It signals to others — we hope — that we’re as cool and “with it” as anyone else (even when we can’t afford to be).
But we may be getting more than we thought.
We are all aware of the potential consequences of buying fake, counterfeit items on the street — you might get a shabby knockoff or pay too much for it. But outside of questionable quality of such goods, there may be others costs you’re not even aware of. Buying counterfeit goods may actually make us feel less authentic — just like the cheap, knockoff sunglasses.
Worse yet, buying such goods may also increase our likelihood of behaving dishonestly and judging others as unethical.