I recently had a dream it start of with this man sitting across a table from me. For some reason I was very uneasy I was waiting for someone. Then this women comes in. She had blond hair and was wearing a suite I had short straight black hair and looked nothing like myself. So then the women with blond hair started asking a bunch of questions and the guy avoiding her question started playing with some cards making them appear then disappear like a magic trick.
I remember the blond girl saying something but I was just focused on the guy. He then looks up and smirked.Thatโs when everything goes black for a second. Then I remember sitting on something (i didnโt know what) but there was a window behind I remember my pants were down he was in front of me trying to sexually assault me but before I know it I had jumped out the window climbed down and grabbed a yellow bike. While riding the bike I look back at his house to see if he was following me, there was a girl she had a pink bicycle she was riding behind me she had no hair or expression then she disappeared then a pink was behind me and when I looked closer I saw him the man from before through the window of the car. I start riding faster and faster until I fall on the side of the curb I start shaking really hard then the car turned on a different street and he stepped out from behind the car and began to run at me. Then he turned into a girl a different girl I donโt know how but I knew her for some reason I thought she was his girlfriend. I was sitting on the sidewalk the bike was on the floor next to me I was curled up and about to cry but I felt so mad all of a sudden I got up and i started yelling at her. I specifically remember saying: “TELL HIM TO STAY AWAY FROM ME, AND TO NEVER TOUCH ME EVER AGAIN.”
I remember thinking that I had to get them before they get me(if that makes sense).so I want back to his house I found him and I took him tied him up and locked him in my room I didnโt know what to do with him. My clothes were dirt so I wanted to change. I started looking for my pants, and couldnโt find then. Thatโs when I heard a sound I couldnโt move he found me. I remember feeling paralyzed but what I remember most is how the hairs on the back of my nake stood up when he said “what do we have here”, and before I could turn around I was down on the couch and he was kissing my neck and I started shaking and wouldn’t stop repeating please don’t please and then I woke up and i was still shaking like I felt a pit in my stomach. I can remember every detail of that dream, and I just want some clarity on what it means and why it felt so real. (From the USA)
This seems like such a powerful dream and there are many variations of dream interpretation. While they may be interesting I think the most valuable way for you to interpret this is to ask yourself a few questions about this dream, such as why might you be having it now? Is there a theme to it? Are there other dreams with similar themes that crop up around it?
As you sit with the dream look for what is vivid and ask “why it is there?” As an example, the obvious features of the dream are sexual, but more interestingly nothing in the dream is as it should be and there is a great deal of confusion, yes? You are not comfortable, you donโt look like yourself, the guy isnโt paying attention, he makes things appear and disappear, you black out, are about to be sexually assaulted — and then out the window and to a yellow bike. For me, the two bikes, the yellow and pink introduce the traditional feminine color of pink and the time-honored gender-neutral color yellow. If this were my dream Iโd ask the questions I posed above, then ask why the dream uses these colors, has an (androgynous?) type of woman with no hair or expression disappear, and then the guy turns into a girl.
Treat the dream lovingly. It is trying to give you help with something — ask yourself why certain symbols and the timing of it were used.
Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan