Home » Odd Personality Traits

Is there a list available of character traits, habits and/or actions which would indicate in a general sense a psychological issue? ie: The person never shows embarrassment. The person hoards candy in the dresser drawers, under the bed, etc. The person is moody: sometimes depressed, angry, sulks or broods. The person never accepts responsibility or blame for wrongdoing but always blames others for whatever happens. If a glass is knocked over and spills or breaks, “it fell”. The person is slightly dyslexic, especially with numbers. Once the idea for a specific item wanted is in mind, that item will be had, no matter how much time elapses; it is not forgotten. The person does not tell jokes and rarely laughs at the humor of others. Most often the person does not understand the punchline of a joke. The person often acts as a victim. ie: purchases the wrong product because the correct one was out of stock, will be nearly driven off the road because will not use the horn, etc. In speech the person often attaches 2 totally/nearly unrelated phrases together using the word “but”. There is nothing perfect; there is something wrong/negative in everything/everyone. Nearly always there is some minor ailment: a pain here, ache there, headache, bellyache, blurry vision, etc., seemingly in contrast/competition to others who are experiencing serious medical conditions ie: hip replacement, cancer, etc. The person does not seem to understand limiting physical teasing such as pinching by saying,”That didn’t hurt.” or “I barely touched you.” The person wants everyone to recognize and be generous at birthday and other special times of giving but is not generous personally. Gifts are often not age related/appropriate such as giving a small child-sized gift to an older adolescent or teenager. The person prefers to use the walk-in bank lobby vs the drive thru because it “makes them feel important.” The person is not a deep thinker, does not have plans for nor talks about desires for the future. The person does not stay on task well and seems to be easily distracted from the task at hand. The aforementioned are quirks to the negative. The person has many positive characteristics as well, however, that is for another discussion. Thanks. (From Guatemala)

  Thank you for your email. The difficulty with offering feedback is that the age and gender of the person is not included in your description, and both would be important for some accurate feedback and direction. That being said, I am struck by the fact that these descriptions all sound like they are coming from a young child, yet, if they were they wouldn’t be seen as so deviant. This leads me to the thought that this person may be chronologically older than his or her actions.

I would recommend an evaluation by a clinical psychologist skilled in testing and evaluation on an individual’s developmental level. I believe that would give you information to help understand what is going on.

Wishing you patience and peace,
Dr. Dan


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