On Tuesday, New York became the first state to pass a tough new law on gun ownership. But not the kind of gun ownership that is actually responsible for most of the murders in the U.S. No, just one targeted at making tragedies like Newtown, CT a little more difficult in the future to pull off.
But in focusing on these one-off tragedies that subjectively seem epic (but objectively, are a drop in our national murder-rate bucket), the over-reaction of the lawmakers was predictable.
So lawmakers have decided to turn every physician, nurse, social worker, therapist and mental health professional in New York into a new kind of mandated reporter — people who turn into police officers when it comes to certain behaviors. In doing so, lawmakers in New York have single-handedly shred the foundation of confidentiality and trust in the doctor/patient and therapist/client relationship.
Is this a sensible reaction?